Canceled: Moon Import Port Mourant Fanciulle dell'800 1976 60,8% | RX4049

Purchase price of bottle: TBD € (65 cl - leaking)
Quantity to split: 55 cl

Sample prices:

  • 60-70 €/cl
    If we are lucky and do not bid on each other, it is possible to have a price below 60 €/cl, but please apply only to those who are also satisfied with the price of 70 €/cl.

The split is made by @zabo

Shipping (incl. new sample bottles, labels, parafilm):

  • Germany: 2,90€ (Maxibrief), 4,19€ (without tracking), 6,19€ (insured)
  • EU: 10,50€ (without tracking), 16€ (insured)


  • With a participation you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and accept the stated conditions
  • The risk of uninsured / untracked shipping is borne by the recipient
  • No profit intention on my part
  • The sample bottles are carefully packed by me for shipping
  • As a private person I can not offer any guarantee/warranty and right of withdrawal
  • The buyer confirms that he is at least 18 years old (legal drinking age)
  • Samples will be shipped after receipt of payment (PayPal, bank transfer, …)


  1. personal share 10 cl
  2. @MoparRules 5 cl
  3. @LukaZiga 3 cl

I’m in only 5cl samples, some 2 or 3 samples left

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2cl bitte

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I’m interested in 2cl

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In with 2cl

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2 cl bitte

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I’m in for 2cl.

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2cl, Bitte :slight_smile:

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5cl please

I was about to bid, so I wont bid and pray for us to win


Ja, komm, Experiment. :wink:
Mit 2 cl dabei.

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Isn’t leaking dangerous? If the bottle has been “open” for a long time the flavor might be compromised, no?

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10 cl bitte

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A leak is not the same as an open bottle, and as far as I know, it is the air/liquid ratio that really matters, which is not bad in this case.

Guys, sorry, but it seems that zabo and I misunderstood each other. In the above setup, splitting will not work. I hope someone will take our place and I will also get 5 cl. :wink:

Mir ist die Flasche vom Bauchgefühl ein wenig Suspekt, wenn dann sollte die hier jemand entgegen nehmen der mehr Erfahrung bzw mehr alte Demeraras verkostet hat und diese spliten.
Würde aber auch bei einem split mit 2-5cl einsteigen, je nach Nachfrage


Vernünftige Entscheidung. Vor allem in anbetracht der Entwicklung hier aktuell jede vierstellige Flasche, die nicht bei 3 aufm Baum ist, splitten zu müssen.