Hat sich erledigt. Sehe es jetzt in der App. Mail kam allerdings keine.
Ich sehe es nach wie vor nicht in der App noch gab es eine Mail.
Please understand that those are a lot of samples and I would like to save time and not to message everyone a tracking ID.
You can check the Junk folder in the meantime, but if you have not received an Email yet please be patient. You will definitely receive an Email when the package is on the way for delivery.
As well I would like to ask you to keep this thread clean and not to have a bigger discussion about side topics. You can use the payment request thread for that.
Overall be assured that everyone will get their samples, I never disappointed
Well, you put your comment about tracking in here. I think it is fair to ask given the value of samples in the package. Dont you think?!
I just brought the last samples on its way.
For those who already received their samples, can you please tell us if you have ever received an Email by the shipping provider?
Most important:
Please check your samples! As it have been more than 60 bottles It was very hard to track and focus that no mistakes will happen. Please contact me if there was any mistake against what you’ve ordered.
Additionally since I wanted to ship as fast as possible I only wrote the sample name on the top of the bottle so there is no label this time. Here is the explanation:
Rdl = RomDeLuxe
Ui = Uitvlugt
TL = TheLast
34 = 34th Release
17 = 17yo
Ni = Nita
K = 1992 18yr
Danke. Paket ist angekommen
Alles angekommen, es kam auch eine Mail von DPD für die Lieferung heute.