Hello from Canada


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As long as it is possible to ship samples to canada, no problem! I know that’s forbidden to send alcohol to the US. I don’t know for canada. I remember something too about agricole rhums that are maybe not allowed in canada or harder to find…(because of a law about “carbamate d’ethyle”)


Hello at RumX .

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It’s hard to believe it’s only been two months since I first started using Rum-X - what a whirlwind. I haven’t connected with any Canadians but that hasn’t held me back at all.

I’ve been amazed at how fantastic this community is - so much activity, so many bottle splits, so much genuine effort to help each other out and connect people with rums they otherwise would have no access to. It’s really an incredible group.

Thanks to @xasmx I have already received two shipments of about 15 samples each. This is more interesting rum than I would have had access to in my area of Canada in a lifetime. I was also happy I had the opportunity to send out my first shipment his way - some bottles that were (oddly) exclusive to Canada.

Now I’ve had the opportunity to connect with @Lot-NAS to set up another order of 10+ samples despite being on different continents. Again, so thankful and impressed by the support around here.

Thanks for an incredible 2 months, looking forward to many more.