Join Our Exclusive Online Masterclass with Swell de Spirits! đŸ€©

Ich hatte schon viele swell de spirits und bin großer Fan derer AbfĂŒllungen, bis dato gab’s quasi keinen Rum der mir nicht gefallen hat.
Meine top Highlights waren bisher

Da insbesondere der Swell de Spirits Long Pond Private Garden The Lobster Claw (Cave Saint Seurin) 2006 17yr 66,9% Teil vom Line-up ist der schon extrem lange auf meiner Wunschliste fĂŒr was ich unbedingt probieren will dabei ist, wĂŒrde ich mich wirklich sehr ĂŒber das Tasting freuen und Mika kennenzulernen! :slight_smile:


Ich habe auch noch keine großen Erfahrungen mit Swell. Habe mal die RX15671 geteilt. Bis heute eins der besten Labels
 aber der Rum war P/L nicht so doll. Die RX13297 fand ich sehr lecker aber fĂŒr mich auch nicht so spannend wie 2001-2003. Hatte auch noch ein <>H von Swell im Glas der sehr lecker war. Habe noch einige Swell Samples. Wird mal Zeit die zu probieren. :sweat_smile:


Meine Favoriten :heart_eyes::tumbler_glass:


I must admit I’m a little bit some sort of Swell fanboy.
I had the chance to taste, buy and often double he’s releases.
It’s been much harder those last month since every swell bottle is sold out within a few seconds.

I’ve really liked his first Hampden (rx10576), the first Foursquare (rx12160), the New Yarmouth (rx12161)and his T.D.L for Le Clos des Spiritueux (rx13297).

I hope I’ll have the chance to win and taste some of those new bottles I wasn’t able to catch :crossed_fingers:.


Bin da bei dir
Beim probieren noch viel Luft nach oben. :slightly_smiling_face:
Auf jeden Fall gefÀllt mir bei swell die ProduktprÀsentation sehr gut.:+1:

Hatte zuletzt den Hampden Pop im Glas der zwar ja jetzt nicht die Offenbarung aber einer darf auch das Schlusslicht sein :slightly_smiling_face:

An dem Termin mĂŒsste ich sogar können also habe ich mich erstmal zur Verlosung angemeldet danke fĂŒr die Chance.


Great event !

The Swell NY RX12161

And The Swell T.D.L. RX13297

Are my favorites, but I will be more than happy to taste a lot more


It’s simple for me. I only had 3 pieces from Swell de Spirits and the top one was TDL RX17302


Hi Oliver
Comment faut-il faire pour s’inscrire, je ne trouve pas :thinking: ??

Mon Swell préféré le TDL et le 1802 Belize


Just open the app and click on your RumX Loyalty Card at the top. :smiling_face::tumbler_glass:


Amazing program with a well-known bottler ! Big props to the RumX Team to pull this off !

I have tasted a few Swell bottlings, however I am still eager to taste more of them !

I’m looking forward to tasting the New Yarmouth 1994, which is considered as one of the best bottling they have made so far. The Long Pond is also quite intriguing, as well as their new Caroni (Private Garden 15)

From what I tasted so far, here are a few highlights for me :

Hampden 2011 Wonders of the World, one of the best Hampden from independent bottlers made in the recent years apart from Velier or very old aged continental rums.

The Foursquare 2006 (Wonders Series) was quite sophisticated for a Barbados rum from an independent bottler (the quality varies a lot in the bottlings)

The TDL 2005 with the Caroni cask finish (On Tour Cuvée) was a nice surprise for me, the peat flavored aromas are unique and make this release stand out from the huge wave of TDL bottlings over the past few months
(I do not mention the TDL 2000 as it was already praised a lot in the comment section, so I wanted to give a chance to the other releases, even though it doesn’t take its qualities away)

I also had the opportunity to try the Mexican high ester unaged rum they made during last year’s Rhum Fest and the result was very pleasant.

I am looking forward to hearing from them during 2024, as it’s sure we will have to count on them, especially in the French Market !


Reminder: You can still register for the Masterclass until tomorrow. Just open the app and click on your RX Loyalty Card to find the registration form.

P.S.: We have received a very special surprise from Mika. You can look forward to an exciting extra sample in the Matserclass. :heart_eyes::tumbler_glass:


The registration form is still open for 4.5 hours. We’ll keep our fingers crossed for all participants tomorrow! :smiling_face::tumbler_glass::four_leaf_clover:


Ich hab leider auch noch keinen Swell im Glas gehabt - wĂ€re eine tolle Gelegenheit dafĂŒr!


Kann auch nicht viel dazu sagen bisher. Vielleicht hĂ€lt meine GlĂŒcksstrĂ€hne ja :four_leaf_clover: :tumbler_glass: :sweat_smile:


Von den meisten Swell die ich mir mal als Flasche gekauft hatte, blieben mir meist auch nur 2-5cl. Außer vom New Yarmouth da war ich gierig :rofl:


The winners have just been notified by email. Please also check your spam folder to let us know your shipping address. We are looking forward to a fantastic masterclass with you and Mika! :heart_eyes::tumbler_glass:


Yeah, super cool! Bin wieder dabei. Freut mich sehr. Vielen Dank!


Meinen GlĂŒckwĂŒnsche an alle Gewinner


Leider kein GlĂŒck, aber GlĂŒckwunsch an alle Gewinner!


See you soon then :smiley:

My favorites so far have been the SDS 1995 PM Flashback #3 Rum (1995) 53.4% ABV - RX12492 RumX | RumX and the Hampden Anniversary Edition Anniversary Cuvée Hampden Rum 9Y - Rated 8.8 RX14507 | RumX

Unfortunately the bottles were sold out at the place where I tried them :smiley: