ziemlich teuer für eine Mütze/Kappe
ich hatte es auch schon auf der Zunge
Dear German friends, how much does it cost when you order a bottle of RomDeLuxe in shipping costs? Let’s take for example, totally at random , the Rom de Luxe REV 2006 recently acquired by DomM…
I ordered a bottle with the 25% off that they are giving today. Shipping to France came to 19.23€.
Just tried it i think it was around 12€ sad i had some Trouble with the Browser before payment
Hope i can fix it
Last bottle was 13 euros from dk to germany
94,25 dkk = 12,67 euro, up to 3 bottles.
i dont have any experience with more than 3.
Thank you all. So it’s cheaper to buy it directly in DK. 19€ from DK to France.
The 25% off today, it’s just a kicking ass idea
I love it to take business trips. Always take an hour off to visit the local rum store. Just dropped these off at the hotel before heading out for dinner:
Heute neu…
Jetzt habe ich drei davon…bin gespannt wie der neue ist…die anderen beiden fand ich sehr gut
This 15years old is quite good too!
My “new” bottle, because you shouldn’t leave this kind of bottles on the shelves (and especially because my saler is really great!)
That’s not rum but that’s really good too!
For the armagnac lovers (there are some here, I know! )I can only advise to go and have a look at the Armagnacs proposed by l’Encantada. They are really very good, connoisseurs and very nice.
I agree and be quick cause prices are rising there also step by step.
But great to See that you finally listened to your wife Rodolphe. No more Rum
Armagnac doesn’t count