Prec. Liqu. Long Pond VRW / RumX Flasche 2

Purchase price of bottle: 145 € (70 cl)
Quantity to split: 40 cl

Sample prices:

  • 3cl: €7,70

(i’ll do 3cl only for now to serve as many as possible)

Shipping (incl. new sample bottles, labels, parafilm):

  • Germany: 3€ (Maxibrief), 6,19€ (insured)


  • With a participation you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and accept the stated conditions
  • The risk of uninsured / untracked shipping is borne by the recipient
  • No profit intention on my part
  • The sample bottles are carefully packed by me for shipping
  • As a private person I can not offer any guarantee/warranty and right of withdrawal
  • The buyer confirms that he is at least 18 years old (legal drinking age)
  • Samples will be shipped after receipt of payment (PayPal, bank transfer, …)


  1. personal share (including FTG share) 29 cl
  2. zabo 5 cl
  3. Joachim 3 cl
  4. ander_s 3 cl
  5. Flo 3 cl
  6. Gertdor 3 cl
  7. Gunnar 3 cl
  8. Wernie 3 cl
  9. @MasterP 3 cl
  10. Lukas 3cl
  11. JoHoo 3 cl
  12. LukaZiga 3 cl
  13. FelixR 3 cl
  14. Discobruno 3 cl

REST: 0 cl


3cl please

Hi Serge,
gerne 2 × 3cl

Bestätigt danke, bekommst von mir dann den Bottleshop LP dafür


3 cl gerne bestätigt, Serge.

Bestätigt, bitte 3 cl.
Dankeschön :victory_hand:

@Serge - 0 cl please. Let the others also have a sip :wink:

@Mentalo confirmed that he count with us…


Yes, you will receive the samples from me then.


3 cl, thx

3cl bitte auch für mich, vielen Dank!
Und wäre das für euch beide ok, @zabo mitzugeben? :pray:

2x 3cl bitte

Conformed! Danke für den tollen Split. :smiling_face_with_sunglasses::star_struck::smiling_face_with_sunglasses:

Würde auch 3 cl nehmen, falls jemand abspringt.

@Gertdor @Wernie @Quent187 @MasterP … bitte noch bestätigen.
@DiscoBruno … alles klar. Kriegen wir noch irgendwie hin.

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Hey Serge, since I should be receiving my bottle today (:crossed_fingers:), I’m happy to pass the sample to someone who wasn’t as lucky. If there’s enough for me, I’ll gladly take it—this way, I can taste it sooner! :face_savoring_food:)


Hey Serge, bestätige hiermit.:blush::+1:t2:

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Hier ist dann voll … ich schreibe euch zeitnah an … auch wenn ich lieber alles behalten würde, denn ich habe eben mal genascht :joy:


Would love 3cl yes. Confirm

Would love a sip as well if possible