Ja war hier schon Mal gepostet worden. Aber doppelt hält besser. Wurde ja auch noch ein Jamaika Highlight angekündigt.
Übrigens ist mir gestern aufgefallen das dieser “beliebte” Shop inzwischen auch über die App verfügbar ist.
Mir ist aufgefallen, dass der Rum dort seit Wochen als verfügbar deklariert ist.
Kann ich mir fast nicht vorstellen…
Im schlimmsten Fall gibt es eine Stornierung und Kohle zurück.
Trotz des schlechten Rufs bei uns wegen der Aufschläge auf den UVP, hat der ganz ausgezeichnete Google Bewertungen und den Rum auch bei Ebay drin. Glaube, der ist schlicht noch da. Die Zeiten in denen RA bei 300€ aus den Regalen geflogen ist, sind vorbei.
Das habe ich mir auch gedacht. Im schlimmsten Fall war das für den Shop ein 3-monatiges Darlehen für 0%. In der aktuellen Zeit für den Shop durchaus kein schlechter Deal.
Das kann natürlich auch sein, man weiß ja nicht wie viele “Vorbestellungen” es tatsächlich gegeben hat – zumal der ohne offizielle Release-Ankündigung im Shop steht. Hoffe trotzdem auf ein anständiges Release. Der Preis ist ja mit Blick auf den RC 1990 fast schon attraktiv.
Und wie fällt das Fazit aus
der TRC ist leicht vorne mit 91 ggü. dem Nobilis mit 90. Erstaunlicherweise fand ich den etwas niedrigeren ABV beim TRC stimmiger
Hi guys, I have a curiosity, perhaps obvious, but does it happen to you too that with some rums the first taste is clearer and more energetic, while in the following days it becomes more homogeneous and less characterizing, sometimes losing the perception of certain flavor notes? Some almost transform, while others remain identical and clear compared to the first taste (which in my opinion is the most genuine most of the time)
Some bottles can change quite a lot after being subjected to air. I have noticed that especially the unaged change after you open them, have a sample or two and then close and reopen them after a week or so.
Until now I only experienced that my rums are getting better after opening them.
You never taste the same rum twice. That has a lot to do with subjectivity.
Before the first sip, you have an expectation that collides with the actual taste the first time you taste it. It’s a one-time impression. By the second glass, you already know what to expect.
How the rum tastes also has a lot to do with what you ate, even if the meal was a long time ago. Your mood also plays a role.
In addition, the constant oxidation does the rest.
It’s not a completely different taste every time, but if you pay attention to minute nuances (as you apparently do), I think rum always tastes a little different.
Yes I think it is due to this, it is more a psychological aspect than a physiological one given by oxidation. It happens with certain foods too. However, this makes the review work more complicated and less precise, many times it is really difficult to give a rating that is consistent with the others, but perhaps this is also the beauty of it😁
I mean also the olfactory epythelum wich contains the chemorezeptors for … taste … is constantly rebuilding itself and not permanently in the same condition so there is also a hardwareaspect to it .
Also important for longer tastingsessions - if a sensory stimulus occupies the nervous system for too long it slowly blurrs out - so the hardware is still working but your brain blocking the information - wich is not true for all stimuli ( like pain ) but at least for taste it is as far as i remember.
True. But too often, a science is made of a rating. I think if you rate a rum 9.2 today and 8.8 tomorrow, the bottom line remains: it seems to be a good rum that you like.
Tasting notes are not a precise craft - they don’t have to be .
That’s why I prefer reading tasting impressions instead of numbers
Hi everyone, this is my first post, glad to be in this community!
I’m drinking a Papalin Jamaica 7 years old right now. It’s a rum I am enjoying recently, nice balance of funky and fruity. I wish it would become a stable release by Velier.
I really like this one as well. Tastes like baked green banana to me. Very nice and affordable sipper.
Welcome and enjoy
Great rum to introduce yourself!
Enjoy! And welcome to a great community!