A simple Drink. Just the two Rums 5cl plus 2cl, the Rest of my pineapple Juice from the bottle, some fresh lime Juice and a good Dash Angostura Bitters. Just mixed it in the glass.
Nice Drink, needed only more Ice.
Some lucky bastard just found some Navy Rum flagons Link
Up for a grand heist like a real pirate @Rumman?
Eigentlich traurig dass man den eigenen Stoff in Urlaub mitnehmen muss. Aber wenn es hier nix gescheites gibt….was soll man tun
Besuch von @FischeJ
Get aboard my galleon matey, before them buccaneers drink all my precious! Hoist the sails!
How is the Enmore?
Terrible a Parfums/Soap Note
Habe den ganzen Urlaub noch keinen Rum getrunken
Aber dieser Sauvignon Blanc von Tilia Estate ist der beste slowenische Wein, den ich bisher getrunken habe
Wo ist die Cola zum Versenken?!
Nice evening ends, big thanx @FischeJ for the drams
That’s the real spirit of RumX, met guys, go as friends
Always welcome! Not the greatest selection but had to grab whats on the way in a hurry
Nice to put a face to the well known name and thanks for the cigar. It was a really great chat.
Hope to meet more members the next few days.
BBC article on Viche
An interesting read on Viche by the BBC.