Just tasted a sample made by @Rodolphe and found it absolutely stunning. Great way to end the week-end
Made by Rod?
For sure
just a good morning to everyone!
Good morning
For me the left one is more dark, more mysterious, more complex. The right one is fantastic, more bright, more fruity. But I definitely prefer the one issued in 2022 (left).
. . . . .perfetto
and don’t forget the 2014 edition. This is amazing stuff and by price / quality ratio as mentioned before may be the best rum in the world.
Extravagantly citrusy Bellevue
To me the royal cane is still a lot better. RX14281 but it was also nearly double the price
So price/performance like is RA with the black belt
Nachtschicht Home Office und Boulet de Canon No. 9: Dieser zeigt mir mal wieder, dass man sich nicht nur auf Bewertungen verlassen sollte, sondern nur dem eigenen Geschmack vertrauen muss. Finde den z.B. sehr gut und hatte sonst was erwartet. Schinken? Ja, aber echt wohlschmeckend
Find das Zeug auch total witzig und mit Abstand zusammen mit #5 den gelungensten