[VERTEILT] VELIER Domaine des Courcelles 1972

Hey Leute,
Hab gerade das Angebot bekommen diese ultraseltene Abfüllung zu bekommen. Wie immer sind 1200€ für mich allein viel zu viel, würde die Flasche aber gerne versamplen. Wer wäre hier dabei?

Purchase price of bottle: 1200€ (70 cl)
Quantity to split: 60cl

Sample prices:

  • 2cl: 36,30€
  • 5cl: 88€

Shipping (incl. new sample bottles, labels, parafilm):

  • Germany: 3€ (Maxibrief), 4,19€ (without tracking), 6,19€ (insured)
  • EU: 10,50€ (without tracking), 16€ (insured)


  • With a participation you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and accept the stated conditions
  • The risk of uninsured / untracked shipping is borne by the recipient
  • No profit intention on my part
  • The sample bottles are carefully packed by me for shipping
  • As a private person I can not offer any guarantee/warranty and right of withdrawal
  • The buyer confirms that he is at least 18 years old (legal drinking age)
  • Samples will be shipped after receipt of payment (PayPal, bank transfer, …)


  1. personal share cl
  2. SaibotZtar 5cl
  3. Lukas 2cl
  4. Quent187 5cl
  5. Zabo 2cl
  6. FischeJ 5cl
  7. julie 2cl
  8. Pi_ig 2cl
  9. Frerechmou 5cl
  10. adrianv 5cl
  11. kondgab 2cl
  12. Schnubbii 2cl
  13. TheDunderHut 2cl
  14. Spagr 5cl
  15. Gunnar 2cl
  16. w00tAN 2cl
  17. Maci 5cl
  18. ander_s 2cl
  19. DanielS 2cl
  20. skyfly 2cl
  21. Lunulata 5cl
  22. Friends 6cl
    Rest: 0cl

Bestätigt :handshake:t2::handshake:t2::heart_eyes:

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2cl please :slight_smile:

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5cl please!

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2cl bitte

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5cl gerne

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2cl please

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2cl please

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5cl please

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5cl please

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2cl bitte

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2 cl gerne!

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Ach na gut, 2cl bitte

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5cl please

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Ok, übergeredet, 2 cl bitte. :wink:

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Oh ja 2 cl gern

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5cl please

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2cl bitte auch für mich, vielen Dank! :pray:

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Der war im Tasting von Jakob herausragend!

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Geiler Split. Wäre auch mit 2cl dabei. :+1:

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