#24DaysOfRum Day 8

We hope you enjoyed the previous rum and the accompanying discussions :yum::tumbler_glass:

Did you already try today‘s rum? What are your guesses? Leave your comments below. As usual, we will release the name of today’s rum at 21:00.

In case you do not want to join the quiz, we can also provide you with a full list of all calendar rums.

Today's rum is:

Rum Rarities Orator RUM - Fass #2, 2016, 3 years, 66.9% | RumX

Did you recognise it? Please leave your comments and thoughts below

Nase: Dörrpflaume, Dattel, getrocknete Früchte, Sherry, Whisky, Politur, Leder, Holz, Dunkle Schokolade,

20 Jahre Blended


Ein eher untypischer Rum. In der Nase Noten vom jungem Holz, Gras, Pflanzen und einem leicht unangenehmen Essigstich.
Am Gaumen auch Schwerpunkt Holz und Pflanze. Mittlere ABV.
Ich tendiere zu einem milden Agricole (Karukera) oder ein eher pflanzlicher Spanier (Brugal 1888)


Hölle, was ist das für Teufelszeug? :grinning:
In der Nase noch recht angenehm, fruchtig süß, würde hier auf ein Barbados mit Sherry Finish tippen. Aber der Gaumen doch recht astringent, Holz, Tannine, bitter,Leder, da würde ich eher Richtung Madeira Rum tendieren. Adv ~ 55%.


N: definitiv die dörrpflaume, fruchtig, vanille, holz, leder

G:Trocken, fruchtig, rauchig, holzig, bitter

F: astringend, tannine, holz, vanille, rauchig

Würde jetzt auch auf einen Blend tippen ca. 55% 10-20 Jahre. Tippe mal auf Rum aus Südamerika :smirk:
Der braucht definitiv Zeit zum atmen.


Just got home and poured it… prunes in the nose but at the moment still too much alcohol. Something weird in the taste that I just can’t seem to grasp :thinking:

Today's rum is:

Rum Rarities Orator RUM - Fass #2, 2016, 3 years, 66.9% | RumX


Never heard of it :grin:

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Light amber…the consistency seems kinda watery.

Nose: thin on the opening, with notes of grapefruit, prunes and a touch of tannins and young wood. There’s also a very subtle note of light caramel.l and vanilla

Mouth: that caramel/vanilla note returns right off, followed by the acid note of the grapefruit, as the rum goes down the throat, leaving behind the wood note, along with a touch of fresh, untoasted hazelnut.

Nicely warm, suggesting the ABV might be on the 55-ish, with a satisfying tingle on the tongue.

Finish: I get burnt caramel, with those hazelnuts.

Kinda remind me a Spanish style Ron…could it be Panama or Cuba?


God dang it…I REALLY should be checking my mouth…:joy: cannot believe this is so high in ABV!

40% fühlen sich wohl an wie Wasser?:rofl:
