Too far for this purpose
This was the first trip that my girlfriend and I made together, back in 2016
Too far for this purpose
This was the first trip that my girlfriend and I made together, back in 2016
Bei uns hieß das immer “Man muss Gott für alles danken, auch Ober-, Mittel und Unterfranken.”
If it will be Bonn, then don´t miss The Old Jacob ( Its a pretty small Bar, but they do excellent Cocktails.
Maybe a bit late for the party but nevertheless. My suggestion would be Trier
Trier is a small but nice city. You can go shopping in small boutique-y shops - they are better than one would expect because of the Luxemburg money. It has some nice cultural sights: The cathedral, the porta negra, the basikila - a lot of roman empire sights.
If you want to taste a lot of different wines from the Mosel at one place go to Oechsel in Trier. It’s not the most beautiful place but they have a 35€ all you can taste offer which is absolutly great. A lot of what I know about wine I know because of this wine tasting (
For a city trip it’s worth 1-2 days depending on your interest in roman empire sights. But than you have the Mosel-region which is one of the most beautiful landscapes I know. The Calmont is the steepest wine yard of world and you can have a small hike there. The mosel steig as a hiking route is very nice too.
You can visit a lot of wineries. I love those from the Saar (south of Trier) and Ruwer (north of Trier) but Mittel-Mosel with villages like Ürzig, Piesport are beautiful as well. You’ll find some nice thriftshops sometimes. And if you don’t like Riesling or sour white wine go to “Obermosel” or bourgundy mosel. It’s south of Trier. Nittel oder Palzem have good or very good wineries. If you go to Palzem drop by at Stephan Steinmetz - they have lovely pinot s and great cremants for a decent price.
Stay away from Cochem, Bernkastel and Traben-Trabach. Those ´very touristy mosel cities are close the the worst tourist spots in whole Germany!
I’ll not hijack this topic but would love some more info. Hamburg is planned for august this year
Will start a new topic once spring starts
Not late at all. First I have to await approval for vacation days. So thanks for your input! I hope to start planning next month
ok. If you know where you’re going keep us posted.
If you’re going to Trier I have some additional tips for you
welcome, let me know
if river Mosel is planned, visit Burg (castle) Eltz! The most beautiful in Germany and a nice walk through a river valley if you start from the village Moselkern.
We’ve decided on Köln (in Dutch we say Keulen). We want to start planning a mini vacation from 9 until 12th of May.
All tips are very welcome:
And maybe we can arrange some kind of meeting, it would be nice to meet some of you in real life
Many thanks for all answers provided so far and also for the ones that are following
As the cologne resident rum weirdo let me help you. I will send you some stuff tonight!
@TheDunderHut: just a friendly reminder, we all have busy busy busy lives
In case the “Al Salam” is open again (the are moving to a new location), I can highly recommend it. Oriental cooking at its best, amazing cocktails and at least in the past also a great rum selection!
Btw, if somebody makes it to Stuttgart, our warehouse is ready for a nice tasting (incl. amazing rums of course)!
Making it hard here Sascha since we haven’t booked something yet
Any good rum related stores or businesses in Hamburg? I’ll tourist there for a few days in may.
Weinquelle Lühmann
Lübecker Str. 145, 22087 Hamburg
They offer a broad range of products, but you need to browse the webshop and select what you want. Most of the bottles are stored in a closed basement
Rum Paradise
Hoheluftchaussee 66, 20253 Hamburg
Moved to a new location: I haven’t visited the new store. Friendly and knowledgable staff. They have a nice selection, you can browse most of it online. Rarly they have some rare bottles in store only
Skip Spirituosen Wolf. Their selection is very limited. If you find something in their shop, it might worth a visit
hehe, it was just a general hint. Stuttgart is of course much farther away than Köln…
Al Salam unfortunately has neither open nor where they as good as they used to be!
If u are also interested in Whisky u should visit this place:
Once they were the Ardbeg Embassy in Germany. nice place und nice owner with lots of expertise in whisky.