(Closed) Split: Foursquare Equidem 14Y 61%

Purchase price of bottle: 190,22 € (75 cl) (190 USD + Forex charges from my card)
Quantity to split: 60 cl

Sample prices:

  • 5cl: 12.68 € (excl. bottle and shipping costs to DE - I prefer to keep to a 5cl size if people don’t mind, simpler for me to manage)

Shipping (incl. new sample bottles, labels, parafilm):

  • Germany: Sending to @mto75 in bulk who has kindly agreed to be the hub for Germany and will need to be collected from him. Will add costs once I check.
  • Others: DM me please (need to figure this out)


  • With a participation you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and accept the stated conditions
  • The risk of uninsured / untracked shipping is borne by the recipient
  • No profit intention on my part
  • The sample bottles are carefully packed by me for shipping
  • As a private person I can not offer any guarantee/warranty and right of withdrawal
  • The buyer confirms that he is at least 18 years old (legal drinking age)
  • Samples will be shipped after receipt of payment (PayPal, bank transfer, …)
  • I appreciate the patience and kindness here, it is my first split (I know it isn’t rocket science but still…)
  • Split will happen once I am back on March 5th


  1. personal share 10 cl
  2. @crazyforgoodbooze
  3. @Schnubbii
  4. @mto75
  5. @LukaZiga
  6. @Kaktus_Kontrafaktus
  7. @ander_s
  8. @BananaJoe
  9. @Basti
  10. @Chris2302
  11. @Steffmaus
  12. @Lot-NAS
  13. @FischeJ
  14. @SaibotZtar

5 cl confirmed, thanks a lot! 10 cl if possible.

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5cl please

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Confirmed. 5cl thx !!!

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Definitely in. Would most likely take 10cl too if possible. 5cl are fine too :slight_smile:
Thanks for this possibility! :sunglasses::ok_hand:t3::barbados:

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Thanks, confirmed. and finally we have your Split :wink:

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Confirmed. Thanks a Lot :pray:

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5cl wenn möglich bitte :sweat_smile:

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Folks, that was quick😅. Details to follow in a few weeks time.

@Lot-NAS - let me know if you would like 5cl


Confirm, thx

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Confirmed. (I’d also take a sample of the Alambique Serrano, if you can spare some)

Happily Confirmed, thank you very much :pray:

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thanks, confirmed, and (as discussed) happy to provide the German hub!


I’d be happy about 5cl if still available :smiley:

Oh great, many thanks - somehow I have overlooked it :slight_smile:

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Sorry @Felix_R , perhaps you could arrange 2cl from someone who got an allocation :sweat_smile:

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@Kaktus_Kontrafaktus DM, perhaps easier :nerd_face:

@Lot-NAS confirmed 5cl for you and with that formally closed :sweat_smile:

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Falls noch jemand abspringt, über 2cl würde ich mich freuen , 5 nehme ich natürlich auch :slight_smile:

@Kaktus_Kontrafaktus danke trotzdem :grinning: