Darstellung im Diagramm passt nicht

Ich habe festgestellt, dass die Darstellung im Diagramm nicht zu meiner Eingabe passt. Teilweise komplett falsche Werte, teilweise halbe Punkte, wo ich eigentlich nur ganze Werte über die Schieber vergeben kann. Ich füge unten zwei Beispiele ein.


I noticed that a few weeks ago, it seems that the points in the diagram are not totally in line with the score you give on each point.

However, I would like to ask the RumX team if the number of aromas we put in one category can have an influence on the score, like if you put 5 fruity aromas, does that give a little bonus on the diagram, which could explain the little discrepancy ?


But, as you can see in my second example, sometimes the discrepancy is a complete point.


Yes I see with the Floral category, that’s why I am wondering if you had put Floral aromas in the taste maybe the score would be higher, that’s a pure hypothetical guess but maybe the diagram is calibrated between the aromas and the score you put in the category.

That’s why it would be interesting to have a clear insight from @Oliver for instance :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your feedback.

I just had a look at it. It seems that there is a rendering error in the embedded chart library, which skews the scale a bit. The points and their relation to each other seem to be correct though, right?

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Yes, it seems to be the case, I will check also with other examples.


Going back at that there is an update for the diagram visual

I am facing a similar issue with the example below :

How can the Roasted category be that high on the graphic when I only put a score of 1 out of 5 ?

In my honest opinion, I like how the diagram has become simple in an aesthetic way, but it lacks a little bit of accurancy to perfectly measure the score though (or maybe I should just get used to it lol)

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Just installed the latest update. I don’t know what the others think about it, but in my opinion deleting the lines in the spider diagram makes more difficult to read.


Yeah, just installed the latest updates and I am not a fan of it either. And still the rating value is not correctly transfered to the spider web.

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Hi all,
thanks for raising these points. We‘ll look into that, however asking you for a bit of patience since Oli is currently enjoying his well-deserved honeymoon. So bear with us please, we‘ll come back with updates as soon as possible.
Thanks for understanding & sorry for the inconveniences!