Discover the limited Caroni 3rd Employees Nita Hogan Rum at RumX, offering user reviews and marketplace access. Robust, complex, and uniquely Caroni.
Purchase price of RX6597: 1050 € (70 cl)
Quantity to split: 70cl
Purchase price of RX1179: 1300 € (70 cl)
Quantity to split: 70cl
Sample prices RX6597:
2cl: 30 €
5cl: 75 €
10cl: 145 €
Sample prices RX1179:
2cl: 38 €
5cl: 93 €
10cl: 180 €
In case of not enough quantity to split - higher buying volume is preferred.
Meaning 10cl → 5cl → 2cl from highest to lowest preference.
As well I want to mention my other splits / open bottles. Just mention what you want and I will take care of it.
2cl: 30 €
5cl: 70 €
10cl: 137 €
Out of stock
Velier Uitvlugt ULR 1997 17yr 59,7% | RX516 | RumX
2cl: 39 €
5cl: 92 €
10cl: 178 €
Velier Caroni 34th Release 100 Proof 1996 20yr 57,2% | RX249 | RumX
Shipping (incl. new sample bottles, labels, parafilm):
Germany: 6€ (uninsured) - 8,00€ (insured)
EU: 12€ (uninsured) - 17€ (insured)
With a participation you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and accept the stated conditions
The risk of uninsured / untracked shipping is borne by the recipient
No profit intention on my part
The sample bottles are carefully packed by me for shipping
As a private person I can not offer any guarantee/warranty and right of withdrawal
The buyer confirms that he is at least 18 years old (legal drinking age)
Samples will be shipped after receipt of payment (PayPal, bank transfer, …)
Quantity left
RX6597 14cl
RX1179 31cl
@Rabmax 10cl RX6597
@adrianv 10cl RX6597 5cl RX249 5cl RX516 10cl RX38 10cl RX1171
@DanielS 5cl RX6597 10cl RX1179
@Beewithme 2cl RX6597 2cl RX1179 10cl RX38 5cl RX20525
@bur2000 2cl RX6597 2cl RX1179 2cl RX38 5cl RX60 5cl RX249
@Mariano56 5cl RX6597 5cl RX38 5cl RX249
@EscapeSK 5cl RX20525 2cl RX516
@FischeJ 5cl RX6597 10cl RX516 5cl RX20525 5cl RX38
@Gunnar 5cl RX38 5cl RX249 5cl RX20525
@Chrischi78 2cl RX6597 2cl RX1179 2cl RX38
@Steffmaus 2cl RX6597 2cl RX1179
@LukaZiga 2cl RX6597 2cl RX1179
@Rokoko1770 2cl RX6597 2cl RX1179 10cl RX60 5cl RX249
@TheRhumHoe 2cl RX6597 2cl RX1179
@Manuel 2cl RX6597
@robi 5cl RX6597 5cl RX1179
@tripleB 5cl RX38
January 3, 2025, 2:54pm
RX 6597 10cl
Thanks for organizing.
Can you check the last two above? Same rum but different prices.
1 Like
ty for the hint. was actually a copy paste error & duplicate.
Adrianv 10cl RX6597
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RX6597 2cl
RX1179 2cl
RX38 - The Last - 10cl
Danke im voraus.
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5cl vom RX6597 und
10cl vom RX1179
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Just when I was looking which great Caroni is still available and halfwhat decent priced, along comes this split…
Please 2 cl each of:
And 5 cl each of:
“In case of not enough quantity to split - higher buying volume is preferred.” should this happen, will I get the chance to incrase my volume instead of being skipped?
Hello, great splits, thank you.
I would like 5 cl of the following three rums:
Thank you very much!
1 Like
Hi, I would like 5cl of RX20525 and 2cl of RX516, please. Thank you
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Hard to say to be honest because the bottle will be fully split during that time. So increasing the volume will be hard then but I think for now you should be fine.
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I missed other bottles mentioned in your message…
May I add to my order
5cl RX249
5cl RX516
10cl RX38
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January 3, 2025, 10:25pm
Danke für die Teilungen
5cl RX6597
10cl RX516
5cl RX20525
5cl RX38
1 Like
January 3, 2025, 10:56pm
Super, dann investiere ich gleich mal wieder:
Bitte je 5 cl von
Und super, dass du die Flaschen, die du schon mal gesplittet hattest, jetzt offenbar deutlich preiswerter bekommen hast und diesen Preisvorteil an uns weitergibst!
Moin, vielen Dank für den Split.
Gerne nehme ich folgende Samples:
mit jeweils 2cl.
1000 Dank
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Moin, einiges hab ich noch übrig. Die flaschenpreise die ich bezahlt habe liegen aber höher als die samplepreise für die offenen, die ich jetzt hier anbiete. Vieles ist im Wert auch gesunken und wenn die Flasche offen ist und kein pre-Split dann geb ich das natürlich gerne weiter
If there is still 2 cL of the employees editions, I can help take those off your hands
Dann dürftest du umgekehrt aber auch den Preis nach oben anpassen, wenn er hochgeht
Korrekt. Ist er jedoch nicht
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Find ich auf jeden Fall sehr korrekt
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2+2 cl