What are some of your favorite (and available) high ester rums under €175? I’m thinking Jamaica and beyond! For example I just tried and loved the SBS Guyana 2014 (RX15463). I’d love to branch out and try some new funk, so any tips are much appreciated!
Savanna has a rather large amount of high ester bottles. For the 57° white HERR (RX142, RX12451) to some old rums. The Unshared cask for LMDW (RX10630), for instance, can be found around 135€ in France.
Prices and availability may vary according to the bottle chosen…
As far as I’m concerned, NRJ LP 2007 TECC (RX61) is setting the standard (along with the still less affordable Velier TECA 2005 (RX245).
I’ve been visiting Hampden Estate Jamaica two weeks ago. The distillery guide revealed that Hampden Rum Fire has an Ester level of 470 g/hl – well, that’s not really high Ester and it’s unaged, but: the price is more than fair und you won’t waste your precious Rums with a Mixer.
do you mean the velvet or overproof? I recall some youtube presentations where Christelle mentioned that both are HLCF but the overproof with higher ester count within the HLCF range. But anyway, it should be above 500, which makes me wondering on your given number