I’ve noticed that translation of messages in the forum doesn’t work anymore for me.
Clicking the translate button will generate a text in the original language.
Do other users have the same behaviour?
Hi, Everything works for me.
It still works here
Usually works for me but I noticed the option is not always there anymore…
It doesn’t work if there’s a lot of images in the post, I’ve seen that happen a few times
Indeed it this it happens mostly int this case.
Yes this is my experiance as well
I noticed that it translates the text above the image, not below it.
@Oliver: Highlighting for visibility please
Since we use the official DIscourse plugin for the translations, I unfortunately have no possibility to provide my own fix here: Discourse Translator - Plugin - Discourse Meta
But I regularly install the updates and am sure that the problem will be fixed quickly, as the update is regularly maintained.
Thanks for the answer Oliver. I hope they’ll correct this soon.