Fuzzy database search issues

Good morning,

Since roughly a week I am facing issues with the search function. I use the ABV quite a lot in my searches but it seems like it is not working.

For instance, I was looking for RX1921 with the search term ‘Hampden 63.5’ (with dot or comma does not matter). It only gave me the following results:

These specific rums have a different ABV.

Eventually I found what I was looking for by using ‘Hampden Kill Devil’. However, I find that bothersome since there are many releases. Using the ABV is mostly a more accurate search (if not 40% of course :grinning:).

Is it possible to set up the search function to how it functioned before?
Many thanks!


Thank you very much for your feedback. We have recently made significant updates to our search function based on user feedback, including the implementation of a fuzzy search to help ignore typos and variations in spelling. When I tested your search term “Hampden 63.5” on our latest version, I was able to see all the relevant results.

Could you please verify that you have the most recent update installed from the App Store? An older version might not include these new features and could be causing the issue you’re experiencing.

If you’re already on the latest version and still having trouble, please let me know and I’ll be happy to investigate further. :raised_hands:t3:


Hi Oliver,

The app uses the latest version from the store: 21.0.7. I would be curious to hear if other members experience the same issue.

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Everything fine here. Using Android.

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Same here. Looks fine to me:


I have the same issue

I’m on android, app version 21.0.7

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same here, 21.0.7 (1721) on Android and it’s working as intended :thinking:

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Any news ? The problem persists here (and is quite annoying to be honest).




Same issue here, same version on Android


No problem here. Just tested with the same search term on an android phone.
App version 21.0.7 (1721)

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I have identified the problem (it is due to the language setting of the smartphone) and have provided a fix in the upcoming update v22.0.0. Thank you for your help in troubleshooting. :raised_hands:t3:


Please forgive me if we’ve had this before, but while the App is able to find search strings like “cdi“ and “tdl”, on the webpage this doesn’t work unfortunately

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Thanks so much @Oliver !

It is working fine with the new update. Thank you @Oliver


Perfect, thanks for letting me know. :raised_hands:t3:

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Yes, it works perfectly again :slight_smile: