Grand Arome from Reunion

Yesterday, I participated in the online tasting from Rum Depot, the topic was the Wild Island series from Savanna (by the way, very nice and interesting event again).
Two statements from the tasting made me wonder if the given information is correct:

  1. All Grand Arome rhums from Savanna are made from fresh sugar cane juice (Agricoles). Is this true? Until yesterday I was sure that Grand Arome are (at least mainly) molasses based.

  2. There are no aged HERR rhums from Savanna. Also here, can this be true? I have Savanna rhums with a HERR finish, which means there are casks in which HERR was stored…

What’s your opinion about this?



I’m at 99.9% sure it’s false :wink:
Molasses for all Grand Arome. Agricole (named creol often) for fresh cane juice. It’s explained quickly here on le blog à roger but there are other articles that speak about that. If you’re interested, I can give the links (but I have to find them again first :grin: ). Savanna’s website is under reconstruction.

No aged HERR for now yes, but It seems to me that there have been some in the past


These days this aged Herr- bottling is absolutely an unicorn !!


More recent informations here with an interview of Thierry Grondin.

Sur le plan de la fermentation, la différence se situe au niveau du consortium bactérien mis en œuvre pour le HERR, celui-ci est plus complexe que pour le grand arôme. Les temps de fermentation sont également plus longs (10 jours, 21 jours parfois).
Sur le plan de distillation, le HERR est distillé en alambic (simple alambic inox) en deux passes. Le grand arôme est lui distillé en colonne Savalle cuivre.
Le HERR se caractérise par une plus grande diversité d’esters éthyliques que le grand arôme, ce qui fait de lui un produit très exubérant sur les notes fruitées.
Le grand arôme présente une teneur très majoritaire en un ester éthylique, l’acétate d’éthyle.


I think this is another aged HERR:

Velier Savanna Reunion Japoniani High Ester Pure Single Rum 2006 14 63,2%


Yeeeesss, this one for an affordable price would be a dream :heart_eyes:

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Yes. I had to pay 300 € for my bottle.

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If you see it for 300.- again, please tell me!

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Hier gäbe es sonst auch drei alte Rum Nations, zwei davon Savanna, einer Grand Arôme (“Savanna Grand Arôme Rare Rum - Rated 8.7/10 RX583” | RumX) für 550€ + Transport aus Italien.


Ja, von denen wĂĽrde ich gerne mal ein Sample haben. Ich habe bisher es aber si verstanden, dass der HERR nicht gleichzusetzen ist mit einem Grand Arome.

I’ve only tasted one aged HERR and found it to be very similar to what you might find at Hampden’s when there are a lot of esters. If I taste more, I may change my mind, but right now I prefer what is Grand Arome to HERR. Savanna’s Grand Arome really has its own identity and it’s often a product I like.
I find the latest Unshared for LMDW to be a real little gem and it was quite easily found for 135€. I hope there will be a new version this year and not only in Wild Island because those are really hard to find!


In my opinion this tasting was one of the best So far. It is crazy how good the quality is…of course some were better than the others…but overall a very consistent good quality…i am happy that i was able to secure a madras and maputo for my collection…thanks for all the information in this topic…it is really not easy to understand all of these versions they have…which makes it even more fascinating that the overall quality is so high


Rodolphe, thanks to your support, I have also a bottle of this LMDW release.
And couple of days ago, I was able to get this one: RX1907



And yes, the tasting was a very nice experience!


I agree with you! The Grand ArĂ´mes are delicious. However, at least here in Germany they are very very hard to find. This was different three years ago.

I can highly recommend Rum Nation Grand Arome. This is still available for retail price i think:


They are hard to find here too, really.
I’m quite lucky to know the spirits manager of a big wine shop near me. He is a passionate person too. He even participates in the splits of the bottles that he has not had the opportunity to taste! :wink: And so he puts me aside some bottles to share here. Recently he had contacts with Savanna and we should have the chance to share the next ones, at least I hope so.


Ăśbrigens bzgl. der Frage ob Grande Arome aus Melasse oder Zuckerrohrsaft hergestellt werden gab es am Savanna Messestand eine klare Antwort: Melasse


Super, danke! Dann stimmt meine Welt diesbezĂĽglich wieder :joy: