I’ve been getting feedback from some users lately that the auction and user prices are too different. This was primarily because the auction prices did not reflect the fees. Starting with the latest update, the Rum Auctioneer and Rum Trades auction prices displayed will include the buyer’s fees (10% of the hammer price) so that both prices better reflect the actual selling price on the secondary market (I will show a corresponding note in the new update).
You add the fee to the total price? I think this would be easily mistaken for full bottle value, as other calculations in the app display bottle values (I.e. for the collection).
Question is: what do you want to be reflected by the value info.
From a buyers perspective I would like to see the total price (adding fees, vat, delivery cost), from a sellers perspective I would be rather interested in the price after subtracting fees, vat and delivery cost.
We are talking about the “one number” that goes into the market price calculation. This figure is displayed on the rum detail page (see screenshot), but is also used to calculate the market value of your collection. Here you have to “pick” a single number. Since many users sell their bottles privately, I think it makes sense to display the value that is going “over the counter” here.
In the detailed overview of the price development of a rum, you can then - as you have already mentioned - give more differentiated information and, for example, break down the costs for sellers and buyers at common auction houses. Here, however, we first have to define what exactly the requirements are and which details are important and which are less important (and make the view rather complicated).
Since I now get messages from some users that the “old” calculation was more plausible to them, you can see that it is a controversial topic where there is no “right” or “wrong”.
Therefore I start a poll here to get a broader picture and to get a better decision base.
What do you think is “the best” single number for the market value of a bottle in terms of auction prices?
Aktuell siehst Du den Marktwert basierend auf dem “Hammer-Preis inklusive Käufer-Gebühren”. Davor wurde der “Hammer-Preis” als Grundlage in der Berechnung genommen.
das hatte ich mir schon lange gewünscht, es ist so einfach ‚ehrlicher‘. Porto und sonstige Kosten (Transportversicherung etc) würde ich dagegen nicht standardmäßig dazu rechnen. Auch bei den Käufen über Händler addieren ja nicht alle die Versandkosten dazu.
Also wenn ich es richtig verstehe ist das der Preis plus Gebühren, der angezeigt wird. Ich würde hier die Gebühren bei der Kalkulation des Sammlungswertes wirklich weglassen, da dies andernfalls den Eindruck erweckt dass die Sammlung einen höheren Wert hat, als durchschnittlich zu erwarten wäre. Meine Sammlung ist wieder von +3% auf +12% hochgehüpft, vor einer Weile. ( Was nur an der einen Foursquare ECS Flasche liegt, die ich vor 3 Jahren für 50€ gekauft habe).
i bid on a rum and won the winning bid was 28 i thought thats cheap… by time they add delivery and fees … it came to 48
so its only really worth it if …u can’t get that bottle no more or they dont sell it in your country
Also wenn ich eine Flasche bei einer Auktion “erwerbe” rechne ich für den Wert immer die Nebenkosten mit ein. Die Versandkosten bleiben aber außen vor, da die ja immer von Händler zu Händler und von Land zu Land unterschiedlich sind.
Denn wenn ich die Nebenkosten nicht mit einberechnen würde, würde ich ja einen Verlust machen und das ist nicht gut. Glaube auch nicht, daß es hier jemand gibt, der eine Flasche für z.Bsp. für 100 € erwirbt und inkl. Nebenkosten, aber ohne Versand und Versicherung, 150€ zahlt, diese dann wieder für 100 € verkauft oder verteilt. So großzügig ist keiner, oder?
Und wenn sich der Markt so entwickelt, daß der Wert meiner Flaschen dadurch steigt, freue ich mich, auch wenn sie andere ärgern.
Update: my collection “worth” jumped from 12 to 23% now. I would appreciate an option in the filters, that enables or disables additional costs from that calculation.
Starting with the upcoming update, Rum Auctioneer Lots after February 2023 will also add a surcharge for VAT (19%) to the final prices. This way, the “hidden” costs in the new auctions will be balanced and the prices of the new Rum Auctioneer auctions will be set fee-wise in line with the Rum Trades auctions. This way we create a better comparability and apply the “buying cost” perspective preferred in the voting more effectively.
I believe we need to differentiate between sell and buy, put or call prices. The market price is for sure when it comes to auctions, the winning bid plus auction fee plus (in case) VAT. Or the average shop price as available.
The “value” of our shelf is the winning bid, as we won’t get more. With my recent purchases on RA, which in total cost me less than actual shop offers, I am much under water if I wanted to sell them today. There is quite a spread.
That’s why we need an auction function here at RumX, no VAT, may be a smaller fee, reduced spread, win win for seller and buyer
From my perspective, the hammer price plus auction fees determine the market price. This is the price the market is willing to pay for it, and the transaction would have happened exactly for that value. This is what I consider the „worth“ of the bottle.
The hammer price is a nice mechanism for auction houses to be able to take a share from both the buyer and the seller, but assuming the auction house does not add any significant value to the bottle (this might be wrong, as they assure authenticity), you can think of the fees as the price both parties are willing to pay in order to find transaction partners… it does not impact the worth of the bottle
I beg to differ. The transaction would have also happened at the price the seller was getting (i.e. hammer excluding seller’s fee) – and any price inbetween, for that matter.
From my perspective it is, as I said the question what I want to use the “value” given within the app for.
The total price including Fees etc. is a nice in indicator when searching for a bottle, to check if an offer is reasonable. However, when looking at my collection it is misleading. All the app does is suggesting that the value displayed is the “worth”, especially when factoring in the way it is displayed (with green or red percentages, etc.). I get the impression, this is the worth of a bottle, only to find out the actual worth might be a lot less, as I have to detract like 15% from it (which is also quite counter intuitive, as I am not that good with percentage calculations in my head). Right now I look at that one bottle, seeing it’s worth has gone up from 70 to 90€, while in reality the seller only gets 70€ still, while others pocket the rest by means of fees, Vat and delivery costs. So, if I were to use the displayed value info and being not very well informed, I would be disappointed by the outcome when having it trigger me to the decision to sell.
Hmm, irgendwas stimmt bei mir nicht. Die RA Ergebnisse kommen mir sehr hoch vor, vermutlich da inkl. Fee & MWSt. Die RT Ergebnisse sind nur der Hammerpreis. Beispiel Caroni 21: