Hi guys, I wanted to ask you if anyone knows a Caroni that doesn’t have dirty notes of any kind (rubber, tar, metal, etc.). Thank you all
Did you try out 1990/1991 Providence Caronis yet? Those are definitely lighter in taste. Maybe thats what you are looking for. But they are quite hard to get and not that “tasty”.
For example: RX5799, RX2212, RX6232
Thanks for the advice Leo, no I’ve never tried these, I’ll add them to the list in case I come across them
There is also The Duchess RX17861 which has been released in 2023.
But as Leo said: those war all very different from the HTR profile in taste and what’s in the bottle.
Also The Duchess is very much not worth the release price imho.
I never had them, but aren’t the Felicite ones lighter in profile? Like RX1198.
I know this isn’t what the OP meant, but being on cleaner Caronis, I actually would be quite interested to see how a completely unaged Caroni would taste.
How the distillate differs from the classic Caroni profile it usually ages into…
The closest you can get are the younger Caroni’s like RX72. We can always age them further but we can never juvenate them. In that sense the younger Caroni’s might actually be scarcer than the old ones.
Moon 1967 and 1969 were pretty much a straight forward column still expression without any typical flavours. Besides there are a few LTR Caronis that don’t have the dirty notes either.
RX39 was more on the harmonic Demarara side of rum for me I didn’t get much of dirty notes compared to other caronis. So I can recommend it, might be something you are looking for.
The RX1198 (the Felicite Gold for Bristol) does hardly have any rubber / tarr notes. I assume it is an LTR, on the label it is described as ‚mellow and light, so it might fit the profile.
Notes of mechanical workshop are the DNA of Caroni, even the Félicité Gold RX1198 has a bit of tar and hints of rubber and diesel.
Why wanting a rum without its DNA ? Why searching for a Cuban cigar which is purely herbal/floral without animal scents ?
are the “dirty” notes of the Caronis it’s DNA? I doubt. It’s very typical for the HTR destillation which was by far the smallest production of the distillery. So a typical Caroni might be a light column still profile.
What some of us like and some more like because of the hype is a rum that was likely produced to be blended with lighter rums or to be used in navy rum.
Haven’t it been the forgotten casks of those “blenders” that were discovered by Mr Gargano that kicked of what we believe is Caroni?
Yes it’s true, I was curious to know if there was something out of the ordinary and different from its nature, because even though I don’t like dirty scents too much I appreciate everything else, but I already knew that it was unlikely being a very characteristic distillery
Yes, you are right, there is a lot of differences between HTR and LTR. The concentration of mechanical workshop aromas is quite different in quantity, far more powerful in HTR, like every other aromas.
I followed the discussion here and nobody was able to name a Caroni that is without these aromas. In that way I say that these aromas are the DNA of Caroni.
I haven’t tasted the original products of Caroni (before Gargano) so I cannot be shure about them tough.
I have to check the Bible (Steffen Mayer’s book on Caroni) to find answers here.
I think you might be quite right. I once heard or read that Caroni the Beast RX171 was only meant to be blended in, in a very small percentage. However, some idiots (we ) prefer to drink it straight.
from my point of view and what I taste, I even have difficulties in identifying the “Caroni” aromas. The HTR I tasted were well balanced, vanilla, caramel, wood, some dried fruits, but not really tar and rubber. Well, I am into US muscle cars and have smelled lots of oil, burned rubber, gas, which is different and might not smell it anymore. But sometimes expectations guides your opinion. Personally, I don’t qualify Caronis as dirty.
I think you have to Look for RX12562 or RX19081. These are unaged Caroni Rums and they should Show you the Caroni Profile after distillation.