Come on, we’re on a private place here
Thank you for sharing all the good vibes.
I’m so happy for you all - I hope to be part of the group next year.
Greetings from the shores, rivers, cane fields and forests of Westmoreland.
Worthy Park on Monday was my Disneyland, Long Pond was the magical castle… But today we visited my rum walhalla, The Hampden Estate. The place breathes history, the people are amazing, the tour quality with Peppie Rumfire was out of this world. The Estate is incredible, the walk down the lane with the huge palm trees was a rum pilgrimage. Facebook is gonna explode with photos and movies. But I’ll try to give you an impression as well (if the WiFi lets me).
Had enough?
Tom, amazing travel report, great pictures and obviously a lot of fun. Thanks for letting us participate.
Keep 'm coming
@Tom thank you so much for sharing your oustanding trip with us. I think next year the trip is already booked out
Btw, i really love your Hampden Shirt
The only way to get one I think, is by doing this
If you will start a Split with Hampden shirts i will be at all different splits with one in M or L. What you will get
I’m telling you that I’m considering starting an own import business to get Jamaica things to Europe.
The fact that we don’t have any Ting, is a crime
Maybe I Could start my own auction when I come back…
“These shoes mahn, they touched the holy ground of the mothership called Hampden Estate. If you want them now, we make a good deal. €1000 and they’re yours.”
How is your body keeping up with alcohol consumption?
It’s not. The detox will by extremely ugly when I’ll be back
Is this my bottle of The Maverick?