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Vielen Dank an @Alex_Kunath und Roberto
Der berüchtigte grüne Parafilm von Roberto! Kann nur Gutes Zeug sein von Roberto
Nice! Enjoy!
Did you need to buy an extra suitcase ?
Impressive haul, enjoy!
Could have and should’ve carried more. Of all my trips, this is the lowest I’ve carried back ;).
Boom! Great yield!
Did you ever have problems with the customs at the airport?
@Portman : This specific time was my first time with French customs, as we flew via Paris. No issues at customs at all. Then took the train back home to Amsterdam, no issues again.
I’ve always headed to Dutch customs to declare in the past (20+ bottles between 2 people the last time) and they’ve let me off after asking 2-3 questions. The most pertinent being are these for personal consumption, which is always the case for me.
Neuzugänge aus Januar und Februar: Besonderer Dank geht raus an @Alex_Kunath für den bezaubernden Bellair
Und der Engenhos do Norte Aguardente ist echt ein PLV Kracher.
Martinique is mainland France, isn’t it? So EU and no customs I’d say
Right, makes sense.
No, I was of the same opinion, but unfortunately, this is not correct. Martinique, Guadeloupe etc. are part of the EU, but not part of the European customs union.
Agreed @Jarek, but was told nobody would bat an eyelid for the bottles I was carrying and they were okay indeed
Right, makes sense.