Redesign: Overview of your collection

I have improved and restructured the collection overview in the new update (v14.3.0). You will now not only find an estimate of what your collection is worth, but also a quick overview of recent purchases to scroll through.

Furthermore, there is now a shortcut to add a rum to your wish list. Just click on the heart icon in the upper left corner of a rum preview image. This functionality is available in all parts (feed, search, discovery area, …).

What do you think about the improvements of the new update? I’m looking forward to feedback and improvement suggestions of any kind. :relaxed::tumbler_glass:


Very nice additions.

To me the overview of the collection is one of the most important screens in RumX.

Keen to try the new overview and also interested what other users would suggest to add


Really great feature! That will surely drive me to add/review my collection and keep it up to date


Very nice feature!


Great feature, though personally I’m scared of what I spent and certainly can’t show the app to my significant other any more :rofl::rofl:


Since the auction and user price overview is becoming more and more popular, I have redesigned and cleaned up the presentation. The chart now uses a more sophisticated algorithm so that outliers and fluctuations are smoothed out more effectively. In addition, the detailed prices are now grouped by year and price changes over time are highlighted using percentages.

The enhancement is already available in the new update 14.3.2 for iOS and Android. I’m excited to see how you like the new design and I’m looking forward to any feedback! :relaxed::tumbler_glass:


That’s an excellent rework and improvement.

Would be interesting to also nail down the release price.

@Oliver one little remark. After clicking on the details of the value per year, the overall average is no longer displayed, might be a nice addition to display the auction and community average price here as well.

And in general this feature reveals how many people enter their Rums without a date :grimacing::joy:


Excellent feature!


Very nice feature :heart_eyes:


I have a little problem when I go into my bottles or my samples on the collection page. Whenever I do so the keyboard pops up because of the search bar. This is a little annoying as it nearly takes half the screen of my phone:

Is there any way for the cursor not to automatically appear in the search bar so that the keyboard remains hidden? It would be better if the cursor would only appear by tapping the search bar.

I’m not sure if this is related to my phone (iPhone 12) or not.

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The screen in you post seems to be the search screen. In that case I expect the cursor in the search bar and the keyboard visible.
There is also the “main entry” to your collection starting from the initial screen just right from the magnifier glass at the bottom.


Nothing happens when I click on the bottle. I can only go into my collection by clicking here:

When I do so the search bar pops up and thus my keyboard as well.


In the course of the redesign, I merged the search view and the collection view, so that you also have the extensive (quick) filter options in the collection view.

I like @MikeH’s idea that the “Collection” tab rather shows the list view without the keyboard. I will change this in the next update. :relaxed::raised_hands:t3:


This seems to be the problem, works for me with Version 14.3.3 (1273).


Possible also that the basic sorting will be by distillery ? The basic current filter is unknown I think (or I miss something) and the former view by distillery was really good to search quickly the bottle we look for.


If you open the list from the collection tab, the default sorting should already be by “Distillery”.

If you come via the global search, the sorting is by “Relevance”. Here, among other things, the number of tastings are taken into account. Without this relevance sorting, most searches would be quite tedious, as you would have to scroll through hundreds of “lesser known” rums first.


You’re right, I haven’t seen the correction : so as Mike, just to remove the opening tab.

In fact, it is not for our collection but for the “watching” botlles : for this one, we don’t have filter by distillery when we open. Sorry for my error.


From now on, the lots of rum trades are also included in the market value calculation. I have already added the last 3 auctions today. :star_struck::rocket:


Excellent news :slight_smile:


Hi Oliver, so possible to do the same for our “wanted” list ?