Romdeluxe Plantation tasting

This time the guys have prepared some nice rums for us :tumbler_glass:

Heavy curtains.
Fresh, fruity, polish, varnish, spices, floral, marcipan, chocolate.
No sugar added.
Medium to long finish.

Nice curtains.
Fresh, fruity, rotten fruit, banana, balanced, glue.
No sugar added.
Medium long finish.

Very heavy curtains.
Round, cherry, herbal, licorice, wood, roasted, dried fruit.
Finish is very long.

Heavy curtains.
Light ester, fruity, pineapple, banana, light, fresh, fermented, light ester, Whisky.
No sugar added.
Medium long finish.

Thin curtains.
Floral, spicy, fruity, marcipan, Polish, warm, raisin.
Long finish.
5 grams of sugar.

Empty glass fruity.

Heavy curtains.
Fruity, pineapple, cognac, glue, oily, naturally sweet.
Medium to long finish.
No sugar added.

Empty glass spices.

Sweet, fresh, vegetal, wood, pineapple, raisin, light cherry, round.
Medium finish.
Sugar 8 grams.

Empty glass dried fruit.

Nice curtains, light wood, olive, dried fruit, sweet, herbs, salty, sweet, orange, pineapple.
Medium to long finish.
Sugar 20 grams.

Empty glass very herbal.


Immer wieder eine Freude, deine Tastings zu verfolgen… enjoy :tumbler_glass:

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Just poured most glasses so relaxing with a 17 year Guyana from Plantation :tumbler_glass:

Very nice and well rounded. Fruity with nice natural sweetness and a hint of licorice. Very slow moving curtains in the glass. Roasted wood and ABV very well integrated.


That’s RX1172 ? I always wanted to try it. 1999 Port Mourant :drooling_face:, but I’m afraid of the sweetness and I never got my hand on a bottle


It’s a great rum actually. Nice licorice and chocolate in the empty glass :blush:

Cask #1

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Only 11 bottles left :blush:


Hanks for the hint, but that’s out of my budget. Does it state the Dosage on the Label?

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25% black Friday discount next Friday.

Will check the dosage.


No sugar in the Demerara :slight_smile:


:astonished: great news!
It’s a danish exclusive, is it the regular one?


The regular one :slight_smile: