And off we go
Rum Nation - Barbados 8 years.
Nice curtains, fruity.
Rum Nation - Guatemala XO
Light, fruity, thick curtains.
Rum Nation - Panama 18 years
Nice curtains, workshop, marcipan, dried fruit
Rum Nation - Demerara n. 14
Fruity, licorice, caramel, raisin, tannins
Rum Nation - Ilha Da Madeira
Dry, oily, fruity, raisin
Rum Nation - Savanna trad 2006 Sherry cask
Fresh, fruity, grass, esters
Rum Nation - Port Mourant 1999
Dark, licorice, dried fruit, tannins, oily, velvety
Rum Nation - Mrtcho Choc & Toffee
Will keep it simple - YIKES
I‘m sorry but… what is the meaning of „courtains“??
@Der_Bertl that the rum slowly runs down the sides of the glass
I deduced it correctly then In Dutch we say “tranen/traant” (tears/tearing). What’s the German word for this?
@Oliver is it correct to call it “Gardinen” in German?
I would call it “Schlieren” or “Kirchenfenster”.