Don’t now how many times you replied at the topic at RumRatings, but the one you posted that I answered is still there.
If you were offended by that I didn’t think it was an proper place to discuss RumX shortfalls relatively RumRatings, I apologize that.
Welcome here… you are very committed on rumratings… inserting bottle pictures, etc. I read a lot of your reviews. What u think are the biggest differences?
Never used RumRatings, but indeed english on the forum is a thing, I think.
When you are not german sometimes you can feel a little lonely… Even with the translate button (which saves the day I think for many of us).
For reviews, natural language is of course better to describe our precious liquids.
I also second the idea of a real Web interface (as I already have in the past), that would bring rumx to the next level!
Yes absolutly, I agree regarding the translate button! I would not be on RumX without it, its magic. Unfortuantly i dont understand anything other than English sorry.
Hi MrRumantic,
I’ve been active at RumX for quite a while and made around the same amount of reviews at both of the sites.
This is what I wrote at RumRatings when the topic was raised.
“I think both have their advantages and disadvantages. RumX is a more modern site and very good for those who want a tool to keep track of their rum collection, for example how many bottles you have and which ones are opened. The major disadvantage of RumX is the amount of temporary images, which probably amounts to around 40%, and that the images that are input from time to time are incorrect. In addition, RumX is full of duplicates. Seems like the admin doesn’t put in enough effort to control what is posted, at least things that was posted further back. So I use both RumRating and RumX because by using RumX I don’t have to create my own tool to keep track of my rum collection.”
What can I add that hasn’t been said already?
RumX >>>>>>> Rum Ratings
The forum is a massive pro for me, although I’m also not a native German speaker. I always use the translate button and even ask if something is unclear to me.
The humane way of interacting and being helpful (no bashing of criticism).
I can use the app in the way that I WANT (like full in-dept tastings aren’t that important to me and it’s fine) and heavily rely on the reviews of people that I’m following (most who are quite active on the forum).
For me RumX (app + forum) is part responsible that I keep plummeting deeper and deeper in this rabbit hole called rum. AND I LOVE IT!
And I like the “give and take” principle that everyone here seems to agree on quite naturally without the intent of making money. For the shared passion of rum
I can’t imagine why I should use any other rum related app at this point in my journey.
PS: with this discussion going on, I opened the RR app and it asked me to log in. I couldn’t be bothered so I deleted it. Can’t even remember the last time I used it actively. Probably when researching a couple of European releases a couple of years back and finding nothing.
Me, losing oversight in the rum river: “The RR app, it does NOTHING!”
I have not much experience with RR, honestly. It was at some early point (before I found RumX in '22) somewhat a reference to mainstream Rums, and how they where perceived. But I often found that my experience of a Rum was sometimes vastly different than what I found in a rating there - after RumX I came to the conclusion the difference was that the number of casual and mainstream drinkers was much higher and thus the perceived quality. Also, often interesting (European) Rums where not to be found… So I stayed here and only my accounts have suffered for it.
Does RR have a community sharing bottles?
I think RumX will at its current point not be an alternative to RR, mainly due to the origin of most users, and the focus on European markets instead of global or US. This may change, and I think it will if it becomes more attractive to other markets, like if Oli finds someone in the US helping with moderation, Rum editing, Marketing etc.
And now, after I said that, everyone sends me their favorite sample, please.
Hey Stefan, thanks for your contribution here. Do you mind sharing a link? It seems like the whole topic has been removed from the RumRatings forum.
I prefer Rumx because:
- the community is just more advanced
- it’s easier for me to keep track of my tastings
- I can get hold of samples/splits
- more IB releases tracked which are not available on RR
I have noted bias differences in tastings and ratings as well, as I tend to have an impression that on RR the majority of users are more on their beginning of their journey leaning towards the likes of Zacapa, and for US guys the cubans are still forbidden fruit so their ratings are higher on RumRatings, whereas on RumX poeple lean towards more to british styles, and I have to take ratings on Jamaican stuff with a bit of salt, especially if comes from a German/nordic IB, which bias is percieved by me due to peer pressure. Each to his own though I have no problem with this. And to revert to my earlier statement, community is better here on RumX so even if the app would be sh*t, I’d be here more.
I spent some time on rumratings before discovering Rum Tasting Notes, but the tag feature quickly pulled me over, since it is pure win imo. Never really went back to RR.
I just starting looking at my ratings at rumratings and was thinking if i give rumratings another try. I found out that one rating is gone. Not the first time but now the pics i uploaded with my first reviews 4-5 years ago are also gone. I will write the admin a mail. Maybe it can be fixed. But this is why i said it is buggy. Shit just happens. And it sucks because i had a pic for every review. Now a lot are gone. And of course the old ones . Good old memory lane that i liked.
Honestly, using RR feels like pushing an old and heavy-packed bookshelf… I was lucky enough to start discovering rums, after RumX was available. Some days I wish you should make another version for other spirits as well.
Now the circle link is complete…
only a link to the related discussion in the RR forum is missing
funny how this goes around…
my 2 cents: I came across RR in the earlier days of my rum journey. I recall that RR got me intrigued about trying La Flibuste which was among the rums that received the highest ratings at the time (probably still is in the top tier, but haven’t checked more recently). I think, it well deserves such a high rating. On the other hand, I never understood, why a lot of sugar-loaded standard stuff receives such high ratings, too. It is probably due to the bias described already by others. Once I learned about RTN/RX, I hardly came back to RR as I felt much more comfortable with RTN/RX, i.e it coincides a lot more with my preferences. And thanks to Oliver and the whole community, the RX ecosystem offers just so much value-added which I do not want to miss anymore!
I was on RR probably 18 months before finding out about RX and that was only because @StefanPersson mentioned this place in a post. For me RR is like the telegram system as it takes a while for a new post and for replies and more N. American users. The only bonus of it is being in English is easier to follow. I used it mainly to see what was the highest rated bottle at the cheapest price- I would probably say the function for doing that is slightly better on RR than on RX. I rarely go on there now just because it is like a ghost town and feels like it’s always been that way.
RX on the other hand is more like the internet (when in comparison to the telegram system) far more advanced in many ways. It has a more community feel. Members go out of their way to help or comment. Posts are far more detailed on here and I cannot get over how well the sample service works. It seems too coincidental to have so many like-minded people on here- I would bet that this site works so well because people from the continent just seem to live/work in harmony more than people from UK/US. Would i have got the chance to sample some caroni’s had I not found this site probably not! The enthusiasm on this site just inspires you to get more involved. The language barrier is a little tedious especially in the lounge area but it has improved over time. I remember when I first came over I had to Google translate everything and that was very taxing! RX definitely feels like an upgrade in comparison to RR