Sk/eu Caroni velier 2000 millennium HTR

Purchase price of bottle: 1050 € (150cl)
Quantity to split: 70cl

Sample prices: 7,5€ 1cl

Shipping (incl. sample bottles, labels)

    *PL 6€ INpost box
  • DE, AT 9€ /Hermes DE, DPD -AT/
  • FR 10€ /Mondial Relay/
  • BE, NL, IT 12€ /Bartollini IT, BE, NL -postNL/
  • DK, ES 13€ /Dk POST Nord, ES -MRW/
  • With a participation you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and accept the stated conditions
  • The risk of uninsured / untracked shipping is borne by the recipient
  • No profit intention on my part
  • The sample bottles are carefully packed by me for shipping
  • As a private person I can not offer any guarantee/warranty and right of withdrawal
  • The buyer confirms that he is at least 18 years old (legal drinking age)
  • Samples will be shipped after receipt of payment (PayPal, bank transfer, …)


  1. personal share 74cl
  2. Petert 4cl
  3. @adrianv 10cl
  4. @LukaZiga 3cl
  5. @Kondgab 16cl
  6. martinsv 4cl
  7. Filips 5cl
  8. @Jaydijo13 2cl
  9. Danielch 4cl
  10. @FoAx 3cl
  11. Lukasl 2cl
  12. @Simsim 3cl
  13. @Rokoko1770 10cl
  14. @Jeremias 10cl

Left 0cl


16cl bitte

10cl please prosim:)

1 Like

3 cl, thx

2cl bitte

3cl please,
Thanks for the split!

Hey @MartinS I’d like to get 3cl please, thanks!
I dm you for the details.

I would take 10 cl if possible

10cl please

Is the split still happening? Thank you

I am sorry for delay I have fever since sunday, so I was not able to do the split, but I will try to do it during weekend.
Sorry for inconvience caused

Don’t worry it’s just to know if it was happening no urgency
Take good care and recover well! (and good grog :wink:)