Split: Prunier 1940 Grande Champagne The Purist

A while ago I had this unsound moment (or a moment of clarity, who can tell…) and bought this great Prunier bottling from 1940, an 81 years old Cognac from the Grande Champagne.
It was in the cask from 1940 till 2013 and rested until 2021 in a Bonbonne.

To cut a long story short, here are the details and who’s in?

810,00€ / 35,80€ (3cl) / 47,30€ (4cl) / 58,90€ (5cl) / 116,80€ (10cl)

Prices include new sample bottles.


  • Germany: 3,50€ (without tracking), 5,80€ (2kg, insured)
  • EU: 10,50€ (without tracking), 16€ (insured)


  • With a participation you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and accept the stated conditions
  • The risk of uninsured / untracked shipping is borne by the recipient
  • No profit intention on my part
  • The sample bottles are carefully packed by me for shipping
  • As a private person I can not offer any guarantee/warranty and right of withdrawal
  • The buyer confirms that he is at least 18 years old (legal drinking age)
  • Samples will be shipped after receipt of payment (PayPal, bank transfer, …)

Participants Prunier 1940

  1. 20cl Own Share
  2. 5cl Junsas

Rest: 45cl


A nice review of this Cognac:


5cl for me! Can’t resist :partying_face::partying_face:


I am reviving this Split - anyone interested to join in?

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