Upcoming rum releases

The number of new releases is constantly growing. What are the highlights you’re most looking forward to?

I’m really excited about the 3 new releases Rum Artesanal will be bringing out this summer and the Habitation Velier bottling from MHOBA! :heart_eyes:


5th set of Caroni Employees (really curious, will be the oldest rums to date from magnificient Caroni vintage 1996).
New stuff from RA is certainly also worth paying attention, so definitely looking forward to their next releases as well! :grinning:


Anything by Rum Artesanal and 1423 S.B.S. mostly because I like most rums they bottle and they usually have very fair value. If I can grab a new Caroni or Habitation Velier from Jamaika at an affordable price I wouldn’t say no either though, but I rather buy/exchange samples of these usually higher priced rums.

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I really whould like to have a schedule for the upcoming releases.
I tend to buy at the beginning of a month and when a special release appears out of the sudden I already spent my monthly budget

With RA I’m a bit sad about the price development and the vintages in the last couple of releases. These very rare rums with 20+ years are usually out of my budget.

The first single cask I’ve bought was the 2004 VSG from RA - I got it for less than 40€. The new release of the same vintage had doubled the price for a similar juice.
I was really happy about the Isla del Ron releases this year. Very good rums for very good prices.
I really would love to have a high proof aged agricoles with a good value for money. Paying way more than 100€ for less than ten years of aging with less than 45 ABV is a bit frustrating


I am looking for the new Vieux Labbè 20th anniversary, as well as the almost mythological Rhum Rhum Liberation 2020 :sweat_smile:
I wonder if we we’ll see those popping up anytime soon :laughing:

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Is there anything known about the Liberation 2019? There exist pictures from Whisky Live Paris, but that’s it.


I am also very excited and look forward to it! Am a big fan of the “Rhum Rhum” series. :heart_eyes:
My feeling is that they have postponed the release for some reason and then release this rum under a new label (Liberation 2020?) soon.


Someone says that they shall be released very soon (end of the month maybe?) and should be (if I recall well) the last one that has been distilled within Bielle distillery.


Wu Dram Clan has always bottled great spirits! They are really great german bottlers. Now they have these two Caroni bottles which are released any moment. Can’t wait for these!


Gotta have to support the guys!
Looking forward to put my hands on the bottles.

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na mal sehen ob man die wu dram clan caroni

Caroni, Trinidad, 1997-2021, Cask #59, 60.6%
Caroni, Trinidad, 1998-2021, Cask #2109, 62.2%

überhaupt noch irgendwo bekommt.
der erste händler den ich angeschrieben hatte hat schon gesagt das die ausverkauft wären, obwohl die ja laut FB erst am 13-08-2021 in den verkauf gehen sollen


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Von Spirit of Rum sind ja gerade noch zwei Abfüllungen kurz vor der Veröffentlichung. Ansonsten mal schauen was das Rumfest so hergibt :grin:

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Meinst du die beiden hier?


Ja, Excellence Rum hat schon gespoilert😅

auf dem GRF ist für die Samstag Early Bird Session ja schon eine Premiere von RA angekündigt :confetti_ball::tada: Ich bin zwar nicht vor Ort, aber wenigstens ist das GRF@home Set für Samstag bestellt :wink:

Ah noch ein Hampden😱…

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La Maison du Whisky hat den Hampden The Younger 5 Years LROK angekündigt. Es gab ja bereits vor Monaten Gerüchte, aber ich dachte immer es sollte ein HLCF sein. Bilder gibt es auf dem Instagram Account von LMW

La Maison du Whisky recently announced the Hampden The Younger 5 Years LROK. Rumors have been around for months, but I always that the Marque was going to be a HLCF. They shared images via their Instagram account.

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War nicht bei Excellence Rum ein fast gleich gelabelter HLCF Rum als Soon gelistet seit Monaten?

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Ja darauf hatte ich mich bezogen. Schon komisch

Ist jetzt bei Rhum Excellence auch auf LROK geändert. Also im Prinzip der 8 Batch 3 als 5 zum gleichen Preis :smiley: