Lets start with some Agricole from Martinique from my Privat collection.
I prever to make 4 cl. Samples but it is also possible to make others sizes. just ask me.
Shipping to Germany is 4€ EU is 6,50€ if you order more you get free shipping also if you order more samples i can give you a extra or a discount
Hey guys I am currently working on all the samples, and I believe most of them will be ready by the beginning of next week. I will contact you soon. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
Ich würde mich gern noch mit je 4 cl vom Clement 15 y. Quinze Ans D’age 1970/1980’s und Clement Grape Blanche 1970er anschließen, wenn das noch drin ist. Vielen Dank!