I’m looking to add some rum-related artwork to my apartment and thought what better way than to showcase some of the most iconic and stylish rum bottle labels! I believe that the design of a rum bottle label can be an art form in itself, reflecting the character and story of the rum inside.
To kick things off, I’d like to mention “Savanna Art by Le Gall” – I find its design particularly appealing with its intricate and colorful artwork.
What are some of your favorite rum labels? Whether they’re classic, modern, or uniquely artistic, I’d love to hear your opinions and suggestions. Share the labels that you find most beautiful and would consider hanging as artwork in your home.
There are many beautiful labels out there. An idea that is like is to have the zoomed in details that Rum Auctioneer uses on their website. That way you can play the guessing game with your rum friends, plus you look less like an alcoholic to your non-rum friends (but also ask yourself the question: are non-rum friends really friends?).
Some examples from their website:
From an artistic point of view I have two rum series in mind.
_ the floral motives of Swell de Spirits like RX16383, RX16230, RX16714 etc
_ the ironic B&W labels of Velier Caronis, my favorites being Rx664 and RX5304
Clairin Sajous
for it’s simple, kind of naive, but incredibly artistic, beautiful and transporting approach to tell the story of this rum (Artwork by Simeon Michel, Port-au-Prince)
Neisson Vieux Bio
for bringing the beautiful art of Philippe Beaudelocque together with Neissons classic style, thus combining expressive art with elegance in a beautiful way. Also the color of the liquid, provides a wonderful backdrop which brings this combination really to life
Also ich finde teilweise die Labels von that boutique-y rum company auch sehr gelungen. Über den Inhalt kann man sich streiten.
Oder eben zu Armagnac wechseln und die Labels von GotA. Die finde ich immer super gelungen
I also like the masks of the recent WDC series… should make a nice triptychon.
Depends what Oliver is going for. Modern and stylish? In that case I’d go for the “close-up” suggestion. @RumTaTa seems to have the proper kit to shoot those
It may seem a bit too oldschool for your purpose, but I really, really like those old J.M Labels like RX1914 or RX12586. In my opinion, they connect artwork and nostalgy.
Als Zoologe mag ich wirklich die animalischen Label von TWJ, z.B. den RX15196 oder auch RX15206. Da ich zusätzlich auch noch einen Faible für Insekten habe finde ich auch Label wie das vom RX18788 sehr ansprechend. Auch viele High Spirits Abfüllungen haben tolle Labels, exemplarisch mal den hier:
RX15397 und RX15667 gehen auch in die bunte Richtung. Mein favorite Label zuletzt war von der RX15671, da es zwei meiner Leidenschaften verknüpft. Ansonsten wurden hier viele tolle Beispiele genannt. Rum Sponge, TWJ und auch TBYR. Etwas düsterer aber ja auch schon fast “a classic” sind ja die Labels von Romdeluxe. Ganz nett ist auch RX808. Wachssiegel und vor allem das die Flasche auch noch eine Gravur/Struktur hat.
Mir persönlich ist das Label Design aber grundsätzlich ziemlich egal. Sollte billig sein, damit der Preis nicht dafür hoch geht. Also extra Künstler einkaufen finde ich quatsch