Your opinion counts: Rate RumX in the App Store

Do you like the RumX app and the services around it? Can you feel the love we put into the details and the new redesign? Then please take a moment to rate RumX in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. It won’t take long and you will help us to make the app even better known and to let the community grow.

Click here to go to the iOS App Store:

Click here to go to the Android Play Store:

We appreciate your support! :heart:


Hey Oliver,

Ich habe eine ziemlich coole Bewertung wie ich finde geschrieben, jedoch wird sie schon seit 4 Tagen nicht veröffentlicht. :tired_face:

Naja ich warte mal noch ein paar Tage.

Beste Grüße


Die Bewertungen werden in der Regel vor der Veröffentlichung von Apple bzw. Google überprüft und erst dann freigeschaltet. Aktuell scheint viel los zu sein, die Freigabe der Updates dauert auch länger als sonst.

Danke für Deinen Support! :star_struck::tumbler_glass:


Done !

Je hanks again Oliver for your dedication.



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Several reviews have come in in the meantime. Many thanks to all supporters! :star_struck::tumbler_glass:

Needless to say, we continue to appreciate your feedback here on the forum and also through an App Store review.

Review on iOS App Store
Review on Android Play Store


Done. You got a five star review. Keep up the great work

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Thank you very much! I am very happy about that! :heart_eyes::tumbler_glass:

I also invite you to get in touch if you have any other feature requests in the future. I look forward to any feedback from you!

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Thanks Oliver. I’ll start to get wiser on the current functionality, but I’ll let you know if I find something hard to understand or missing. Let me know if I can help with screening of new rums for the database.

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Special thanks for all the reviews that have been added in the meantime. So you make me a great pleasure! :heart_eyes::tumbler_glass:

And of course I’m still happy about any review in the App Store and personal feedback here in the forum. :relaxed::raised_hands:t3:

iOS: ‎RumX im App Store

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Done (but only 5 stars cause 6 wasn’t possible to choose) :slight_smile:


Many thanks for the new reviews in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. I am very pleased by your appreciation! :heart_eyes::tumbler_glass:

You haven’t rated RumX yet? Support the further development of the app with a short review and help to make RumX even better known in the rum world. I appreciate any feedback!

iOS: ‎RumX im App Store

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Ich habe heute erneut eine sehr ausführliche positive Bewertung geschrieben, da meine letzten beiden Bewertungen immer noch nicht sichtbar sind.
Ich hoffe diesmal kommt sie durch. :man_shrugging:t2::+1:t3:


No idea why but I see no reviews on play store, besides the one I gave.

That is strange. Under this link I find 118 reviews.

That’s all I can see for now, even my tasting has disappeared :frowning:
Edit: my dictionary seems to consider rating and tasting as synonymous :rofl:

Do you enjoy RumX and the passion we put into developing the platform?

Then please take a moment to leave a review in the App Store. It only takes a minute and with this small attention you support the further development of the app:

iOS: Rate now
Android: Rate now

Thanks a million for your support! :tumbler_glass::heart:


Hi Oliver,
ich habe vor Wochen eine Bewertung geschrieben, leider wird sie aber nicht angezeigt!
Grüße Michael

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Hey Michael,

herzlichen Dank! :relaxed::raised_hands:t3:
Hilft vielleicht eine Aktualisierung (Kleinigkeit im Text anpassen)?

Viele Grüße

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