Dry January 2024

Ich empfehle euch einfach Mal den Konsum von mehr Mineralwasser. Tut eigentlich immer gut. Ich trinke grundsätzlich immer zu wenig.
Ist aber vermutlich gemeinsam mit viel Tee einer der Königswege wenn man eine Weile trocken bleibt.
Aber muss natürlich jeder selbst herausfinden was sein Körper braucht.:ok_hand:


Agreed, water is most important. Haven’t been very mindful about that either lately. I hope that I can manage to be more aware in the upcoming time and that water will be my number one intake substance :grin:


Rum infused tabacco :grin:


Klar, genügend trinken sollte man sowieso immer. Mir ging es um alkoholfreie Alternativen für den besonderen Genuss. Da fällt Mineralwasser bei mir nicht drunter. :upside_down_face:


Schmeiß ein paar Waterdrops rein oder wie das Zeug heißt


und immer daran denken, daß alkoholfrei bis zu 0,499% Alkohol enthalten darf um sich noch so nennen zu dürfen. Nur wo 0,0% drauf steht ist auch wirklich kein Alkohol drin.

Alles nur wenn man wirklich einen Monat ohne Alkoholgenuss durchziehen möchte



DAY 3/31 - Who will survive? And what will be left of them?

Let`s recapitulate, what happened on DAY 2: first withdrawal symptoms were discussed, as well as avoidance strategies (aka “non alcoholic alternatives / beverages”). That is the spirit…

For DAY 3 let us have a short look on the often cited study of the University of Sussex, wherein it stated

“New research from the University of Sussex shows that taking part in Dry January – abstaining from booze for a month – sees people regaining control of their drinking, having more energy, better skin and losing weight.”

(How ‘Dry January’ is the secret to better sleep, saving money and losing weight : Broadcast: News items : University of Sussex)

Let us ask ourselves: Would we take part in such a study, do not drink alcohol for a whole month and then claim, we feel more shitty than before?

– to be continued –


What, only day 3?!? Are you sure we’re not already somewhere in the region of 10? :grimacing:


ich wollte ja nur mal einwerfen, dass sich Sample Flaschen auch gut für Ingwer-Kurkuma Shots eignen :grin:


Day 3… I slept awful for some reason. I’m in no mood to leave for work in 20 minutes, especially not since it’s Christmas school vacation and work will last until 22h15 tonight. I wanted to go to the gym this morning before work, but I was too freakin’ tired :yawning_face:


All I am thinking is 10% of the task is done :sweat_smile:. Need to get through the remaining 90%. The open bottles are calling out to have a small sip, but I am resisting bravely :joy:.

PS: Palette longs for a taste of the new Foursquare Mystique! (Purchased already😎)


Bin auch dabei diesen Monat.


Ich veranstalte nächste Woche ein Tasting, hoffentlich komme ich glaubwürdig rüber wenn ich keinen einzigen Tropfen mittrinke :joy::joy:


Aber gut ausspülen vorher :wink:

Btw. Ich trinke meistens nur Wasser und Kaffee. Manchmal auch ein Süssgetränk. Aber Ingwer sollte ich mir auch wiedermal kaufen!


natürlich! :wink: mit Orange, Limette und Agavendicksaft (zum Süßen) ist es sogar trinkbar. Das Kurkuma färbt allerdings wie sau :unamused:

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DAY 4/31 - You did not think, it would be that easy, did you?

As your host on this little journey, I took it upon me…

…to encourage you;
…to support you, when you wrestle with your inner demons;
…to ease your pain, when your quenching thirst haunts you.

Well? I don`t think so.

Me, personally I am up to no good. So let me sow some seeds of doubt in our cosy congregation:

Which of you little lambs is too weak to continue with us on this journey?

– to be continued –


“It would be better to have two alcohol-free days each week all year rather than one month abstinence,” Ian Hamilton, lecturer of the department of health sciences at York University, told Discovery News<<

If you don’t manage to keep to two alcohol-free days a week, one month a year is probably really no use :grimacing:


During the year I have 3-4 alcohol free days per week, holidays excluded:)
And now one dry month. So far it is super easy, I’m not thinking about it at all. But the first weekend ist still ahead
In general it is much better for your body to constantly drinking small amounts then drinking much on just one day, even if the total consumption is the same. Your liver can handle low amounts much better


Kleine Motivation :grin:


Day 4… I went to the gym :joy: