The rating practice question will never be done discussing .
I always rate the rum in comparison with my personal preferences, anything else doesn’t matter. For instance, if this is the best guavaberry-flavoured rum I’ve had but I just don’t like guavaberry-flavoured rums in general, it earns a 3 (while the other guavaberry-flavoured rums get 1 or 2 ). I will not create a separate ranking for guavaberry-flavoured rums in my head and rate something I don’t like high just because it dominates the category.
I just rate along how I like it, keeping the meaning of score in the app in mind. A 6 there is already a good rum, actually.
Be that as it may, of course I have now tasted lots of different and similar rums, so there is a comparison ongoing, especially if it’s from the same distillery. So, for example, I identify what goes for my from Hampden, and what not, and rate accordingly. Marks, Barrels, Age etc. only matter in relation to “does it taste good or do I need to spit it out”.