Introducing "RumX Plus": Support your favorite rum app ❤️

To be clear, I upgraded to Pro, too.
But it is not really true to say that there is no disadvantage if you don’t upgrade.
You will use app functions which you had before.
For me it is a clear disadvantage.


It’s not easy to find the right balance of what to include in RumX Pro, but we have made sure that the main functions of the app are not restricted. We also want to offer something to those who support us and appreciate their support. That’s why we’ll be introducing new exclusive Pro features from time to time in the future.

One more thought I would like to share regarding the market value estimation. I personally review the auction lots on the platforms every month and link each lot to the database, as this task cannot be automated due to the quality requirements of the mapping. It’s a tedious task, but I’m happy to do it because I know many of you appreciate it. We have taken this expense into account when defining the Pro scope and have therefore decided to do it.


Argh, every time I push this button, join, it leaves the app!
I’ll check for another update, maybe this will fix the problem, and let you know.
I want this badge :grin:

Edit : no update available. App version 19.2.1 (1556) running on android.
@Oliver , I don’t really understand why this issue? The app leaves when I try to join. It’s the case both when I push the pro grey badge near my profile picture or if I push join in my profile.

Edit 2 : I tried to empty the cache of the app, but no changes.


Let me first say, this is IN NO WAY a complaint, just another view on things.

To draw more ( app users, certain basic functionality should not be ‘hidden’ after a paywall. The score of the rum being one of them. I don’t see a lot of standard users buying a rum via the app if ‘they don’t know what to expect’.

The community is what builds the rum database therefor the community should be able to see the data.

As Jarek also pointed out it’s a pity, that features now available, will be paywalled.

These days 3 types of apps exist:
Free (you pay with your data)
Adware (Ads are being displayed, disguised as ‘offers’)
Premium (Subscription based)
Now it looks like the first two will apply.regardless of membership… At least give the pro members the means to disable or make the ‘offers’ less prominent.
A premium or pro app should not contain ads.

Just my 2 cents.


I think Oli highlighted a few times, that something basic like the score will always be free for all. My understanding is, that everything which is now (=since the change) free will remain free and only new functionality might be exclusive for pro members. :slight_smile:

Regarding market value: easy to live without it imho, if you are not a pro user. From time to time it would be interesting, but do some of you check the value regularly? Flippers, please raise your hand :smiley:



I will be honest and straightforward, I’m not a fan of this new Pro system.
I want to say first and foremost that I totally understand the need to cope with increasing costs and the needy support to make this app work. As always, I highly praise the work done by the RumX team to make this app so special for us, and I think @Oliver can agree with that.

But here is what I have to say.

It kinda feels like in some other platforms where at first you are given a lot of functionalities and services, and as the time passes by and the app grows, it’s more restrictive with less services and to maintain the standard you once have, you have to pay. I do not share this vision to pay for something that once was free for us.
This particularly goes to functionalities such as customized lists (which I used a lot to keep track of the many samples I bought from many of you guys) or the data export so that I have a backup in case the app or the phone is dead at some point (and remaking over 600 rum reviews is not on my agenda) or even rum score (from what I understand from @Gromit21 message ?) or price market evolution.

On top of that, it raises the question of the app’s future : obviously we can expect more from a Pro user functionality, but I am afraid it will just create a big fracture between « casual tasters » and « elites who pay to sip the best rums » in the future.
Here is an hypothetical example :

  • You want to be part of this split ? Too bad, you are not pro !
  • You want to taste things like a pro with all the tags and the same amount of settings ? Too bad, you are not pro !
  • You want to check this bottle out with all the data ? Too bad, you are not a pro !
  • You want to get to know more of the stuff ? Pay and be a pro !

Not gonna lie, I am seeing this with a very reluctant eye despite my understanding of the growth and cost situation.

I have been and will be a RumX supporter and contributed in my way, but I disagree with this system.

That’s my Rhumhoelution

#FreeRumX #FreeGang #Rhumhoelution


Ich bin auch bin auch gegen die Mehrfunktion durch die Pro-Mitlgiedschaft. Ich hatte es mehr als Unterstützung/Donation Button verstanden.
Ich möchte RumX monetär unterstützen ohne das ich gezwungen werde, da ich sonst nicht mehr alle Features hätte.


Dem schließe ich mich an, bin auch pro geworden um einfach zu unterstützen. Die diese App seit längeren nutzen, wissen was für eine Arbeit und Herzblut dahinter steckt und zahlen mal gern einen Beitrag dazu (gemessen an den Rums und Samples die wir meisten kaufen, verschwindend gering der Beitrag)
Wenn ich mich aber in einen neuen User versetzte, denke ich würde ich diese App eher wieder löschen, als einen Beitrag zu zahlen.
Ich glaube so vergrault man eher neue Member.
Ich finde es Schade, dass ich als “Pro” nüchtern betrachtet eigentlich keinen wirklichen Mehrwert habe. Das was vorher Standard war, muss nun bezahlt werden.
Als neues Member würde mich vorallem der Preis abhalten. Ich finde es, wenn ich es aus einem anderen Blickwinkel betrachte schon auch recht teuer.
Denke wenn der Preis etwas niedriger angesetzt würde, wären glaube ich mehr Leute bereit diesen zu zahlen.
Auch fände ich gut, wenn man Punkte die man gesammelt hat für die Mitgliedschaft einsetzen könnte.
Mein Fazit: ich habe es gern für ein Jahr abgeschlossen um meine Unterstützung zu zeigen. Aber ehrlich gesagt bringen mir die drei weiteren Angebote nicht wirklich was, wenn ich auf einen Rum 5% bekomme, aber dann 35€ Versandkosten zahlen muss.
Ich glaube, dass dies so wie es jetzt umgesetzt wurde eher ein Rückschritt als ein Fortschritt ist.


Thank you for your candid feedback on the introduction of RumX Pro. It’s essential to have these conversations, as they help us navigate the best path forward for the app and our community.

I want to share more about the reasoning behind RumX Pro. Over the past five years, RumX has evolved from a side project to a full-time commitment, largely driven by my passion for rum and this community. This growth, while exciting, has brought significant operational costs.

The decision to introduce RumX Pro wasn’t taken lightly. It’s meant to address these financial realities while preserving the core experiences that everyone enjoys. The functionalities within Pro, like customized lists and data export, are additional tools for those who seek more from the app. These features, especially tasks like manually updating the market value estimates from auction platforms, involve considerable time and effort.

I understand that the change to a partially paid model might raise concerns about the app’s future and the potential divide between different user groups. Please be assured that maintaining a strong, united community is at the heart of our mission. The core functionalities that define RumX remain free and accessible to all.

Many of you have been using RumX for free for years. This was feasible initially, but it’s not a sustainable model long-term. I’ve been covering the costs, including server and translation services, out of my own pocket. However, relying on voluntary donations, as suggested, isn’t a practical solution. The reality is that such honorable contributions from very few users, after covering various fees and costs, wouldn’t be sufficient to sustain the app. We also want to give something back to the people who support us and express our appreciation.

It’s the support and engagement from users like you that have shaped RumX into what it is today. I hope this explanation sheds light on our direction with RumX Pro.


Even when I agree with some of those previous points I think that we should keep in mind that we are some kind of a „core-fanbase“ here in the forum.

Besides us there are probably lot of App-Users who would never join a forum, but pay for the App. Or at least I hope so.
The answer to the business essential question, who is willing to pay for pro features and who is not, should be answered data driven, not (mainly) by our wishes and emotions :wink:

And I am under the impression that @Oliver sits on a lot of data :smiley:



got it, but doesn’t convice me. In my opinion the donation character was a good idea. The visibility of it by the pro badge and the additional rum x points, which lead to better chaces at tastings or lottery and the additional offers.
I think less money will catch more people (because its “nothing” to pay 2,99 a month for app you use daily)

But i am afraid that this will stop community growth and in long term new fresh impulses.

But as @Lot-NAS says data will show us maybe we are to reluctant.

For me i am with @zabo; I am in for a year, lets see i am curious.



I can understand a lot of the critic voices. As for example @Leo and @zabo stated, I also see it as a voluntary donation more than a buy of more content or pro-member-advantages.

Those who want to support the app with a donation, will probably do it even without becoming a pro member. Maybe it would be an even smoother way to keep the app more attractive for casual users if there would not be a “pro” status, but kind of a “patron” status.

To speak for myself: I don’t need any gifts or advantages at all for the money I am donating. My “compensation” is a functional and highly helpful app and a growing discussion platform. And I bet for most others, it is quite the same.

But if you, @Oliver, want to “compensate” patrons for their voluntary donations, there could be a free merch product per year or whatever.

Just an idea for this discussion.


but the annual subscription comes already only down to 3,99 EUR / month with the discount. This is indeed not a lot for almost daily use. I personally believe that those that can afford spending for 200+ bottles in their shelves - which is 1/4 of the users that contributed to the survey - may be able to finance the subscription model. Just skip one awkward rum bottle a year and you are well off - the app may well help you to figure out which bottles to better keep off your fingers (or just leave it with a sample) :wink:


I did it simply because I think you deserve it @Oliver given the huge amount of time and work you put into it. You have my support for a year :wink:

I think I’ve spent €50 on much more senseless things than this in the past :joy:



i am with you @mto75 but i guess new users will not go directly for a year membership.
And i think we agree, that we are the power users here and no doubt on board (me included).
Like @Tom said, its easy to grab the wrong bottle or to pay same amount for other nonsense.



Ganz nüchtern betrachtet würde ich lieber auf das ganze Bonus System verzichten und die Prämien die daraus resultieren um dort für eine Einsparung für RumX zu sorgen.
Nur so ein Gedanke.


Let me express it quite simply: The support of Pro users is an essential element in funding the platform. Without a sustainable revenue stream, I will have to shut down the platform in the medium to long term. The math is that simple.

But I am hugely grateful that many of you have intuitively understood this and that many of you are already actively contributing to the maintenance and further development of RumX. Thank you for your support! :heart:


Wenn ich mich recht erinnere , war die App anfangs doch auch nicht komplett kostenlos…
Zumindest, wenn es darum ging, die eigenen Flaschen einzutragen.
War es nicht so, dass ab der 11. Flasche die volle Funktionalität der App gekauft werden musste!
Da war aber auch nur die Datenbank verfügbar.
Ohne Forum!

Und wenn ich weiter überlege, stand die App doch auch mal kurz davor, eingestellt zu werden. Seinerzeit hatte Oliver eine Umfrage gestartet!
Gottseidank ist er dabei geblieben :+1:t2::blush:
Wenn ich heute so die letzten Jahre Revue passieren lasse und darüber nachdenke was sich aus dieser App entwickelt hat…. Meinen Respekt!!!:bowing_man:

Ob einen der Preis des Abo angemessen erscheint? Mir persönlich ja….

Viele Dinge hätte ich ohne sie nicht erlebt:

  1. allein wieviel Gleichgesinnte und nette Member ich kennenlernen durfte.
  2. die Treffen bei den Messen
  3. die vielen ersparten Fehlkäufe
  4. die vielen Splits
  5. das enorme Wissen rund um den Rum
  6. die legendären Weihnachts-/Osterkalender
    Um nur einige Punkte zu nennen

Ich hätte diese App (Oliver und Co.) auch ohne den Pro-Status unterstützt, weil sie mir einen deutlich erkennbaren Mehrwert bietet!
Ich bin natürlich auch gespannt, wie es sich in Zukunft weiterentwickelt!


I think most people here get the need of funding this plattform and don’t see a problem in spending some money on something they use daily. But this is just us hardcore users.
Like others already stated, I don’t think, that it is a good idea to put things behind a paywall, which were free for a long time. You took something away from the normal and casual user.
Being forced to pay, just to have the same features like before, when it was free, leaves a bad feeling to say the least and people usually tend to act dismissive.
I would rather work with New benefits/features/content, which were not part of free RumX before as a pro benefit.
As others said, personally I don’t need any benefit for becoming a pro at all. Ok, a nice badge maybe (like we got) :see_no_evil:. I just became pro to support something I really enjoy and use a lot. I would not pay for the former free features solely though.

This is just my opinion. I am more than happy, when the actual numbers proof me wrong and even non-forum and casual users pay for the pro membership and help financing RumX.


Wo es Licht gibt, gibt es auch immer Schatten.
Ich habe mich heute dazu mit einem „App Neuling“ unterhalten,
Er persönlich ist erstmal froh die Flaschen zu finden, zu hinterlegen und sich an Splits zu beteiligen. Alles andere interessiert ihn (noch) nicht.
Er muss und wird dann selbst entscheiden, ob er das “mehr” unbedingt braucht. Vermisst werden können nur Dinge, dir man schon hatte und vor allem benötigte.
Betrifft dann vor allem erstmal die User, die bereits dabei sind.
Wenn ich mir eine neue App hole, schaue ich ja auch immer nach und wäge ab ob mir die extra features das Geld wert sind oder nicht.
Das Herz diese App - die Datenbank - muss natürlich uneingeschränkt jedem zur Verfügung stehen, sonst wäre die Arbeit all der Jahre
umsonst gewesen.
Ich weiss gar nicht wie viele meiner Tasting Teilnehmer ich zu dieser App gebracht habe, allein um bei den Tastings auf die Datenbank referenzieren zu können.
jeder hat eben einen anderen need……