Das nenn ich ein echt guten Standard
I love the effort and passion put into this picture…
Das absolut beste Orgeat was es gibt, außer @Serge macht das natürlich selber.
Danke nochmal an @NH43 für den Tipp.
Hab mich gut eingedeckt damit
Picture for the textbooks
Ja, Das ist tatsächlich sehr lecker
Incredible photo! Picture and description make me want to try this! Could you give more infos about recipe or is it a secret one?
Saint Marc Daiquiri.
A Daiquiri with a spicy twist. One of the first drinks I made at home that got me hooked to the cocktails game. Now with the white PM as the base spirit.
After the Kilik white rum of the serie (that I found incredible!), I was asking my self about this white PM…
Pretty good Rum, better than some of the youngish aged PMs. As a Mixer it tends to overwhelm drinks. I usually water it down with some light Rum. It’s an interesting choice in a mojito. This Saint Marc Daiquiri suits its flavors very well.
Superb picture.
I’ll definitely try it if you give us your recipe.
Don’t miss out on freshly made augua de valencia (best in bear club) but be careful with it😄
I’m seeing alot of store-bought Orgeats on this forum. Im not saying store-bought is bad, but I wanted to give you all the option of making it yourself. Here’s my recipe, adapted from Anders Erickson:
- Place a small sauce pan over low to medium heat.
- Pour in 500 ml of almond milk.
- Add 600 g of plain white sugar.
- Stir continuously while the sugar dissolves.
- Once dissolved remove from heat and let cool.
- Then add 3 to 5 ml of Almond extract.
- Add a 3ml of rose water.
- Add a good pinch of salt.
- Finally, add 5ml of orange blossom water.
- Enjoy in your upcoming cocktails!
Use a quality almond milk (with a high percentage of almonds) for the best results. Boil out your vessel for a better shelf life.
The whole thing takes 15 minutes or so, and you can tweak the recipe to your taste.
A magician never reveals his secrets, but every now and then an exception has to be made:
- 45ml Flor de Cana 4y
- 15ml Dry Curaçao
- 30ml Honeymix (4 parts honey to one part water)
- 22,5 ml Lime juice
- ‘60ml’ Pineapple cubes (about 5-6 cubes)
- ‘60ml’ Mint (about 20 to 25 leaves)
- 2 dashes Peach bitters
- 5 drops 20% saline solution
- 180ml Pebble ice
Put everything in a blender. Blend on low. Move to the higher setting for a few seconds and finish on low until you see no more shreds of mint and hear no more ice. To be enjoyed immediately.
I’ll try this when I receive my next light rum. Can you share the recipe?