The great rum glossary (abbreviations)


ich trinke schon einige Jahre Rum, bin gelegentlich auf Messen oder Tastings unterwegs aber so richtig vollständig rumverrückt bin ich erst durch Rum-X geworden :wink: Nun fällt mir auf, dass es bei den vielen Releases immer mehr Abkürzungen gibt. XO ist noch einfach, bei anderen muss offen zugeben, dass mir die Bedeutungen nicht bekannt sind.

Vielleicht kennt ihr alle Bedeutungen oder kennt eine gute Übersicht, die ihr mit mir teilen könnt. Falls es keine Übersicht gibt, würde ich mich freuen, wenn wir hier die gängigsten und ihre Bedeutungen sammeln würden.
Wenn ich falsch liege, sagt das auch gern :wink:

Abbreviations Full name Explanation
AN (GV /) Albion and Nigg Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
AOC Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée The French version of the PDO is the AOC
AOP Appellation d’Origine Protégée = PDO protected designation of origin (in UE) guarantees that the product has been transformed and elaborated in a determined geographical area. The PDO label is a European sign. It protects the name of the product throughout the European Union (EU).
CDI Compagnie des Indes independent rum botteler
C<>H Continental Diamond Hampden mark from Hampden Distillery (1300-1400) see Barrel Aged Thoughts: Hampden Estate - ein Überblick for details
DDL Demerara Distillers Ltd see more Demerara Distillers Ltd
DHE Diamond High Ester Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
DOK Dermot Owen Kelly-Lawson mark from Hampden Distillery, ester range 1500-1600 gr/hlAA also see: Hampden – Single Cask Rum
DRE Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva
D.D. Decadent Drinks LTD Independent bottler
EHP Edward Henry Porter Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
ELCR Enmore Light Coffey-Still Rum? Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
EMB mark from Clarendon Jamaica, ester Range 240-250 gr/hlAA Jamaican Rum Marques Roundup - Cocktail Wonk
FRC Flensburg Rum Company Independent bottler
GA Grand Arôme
GRF German Rum Festival German rum fair in Berlin
GotA Grape of the Art Independent bottler
HD Hampden Jamaican rum distillery
HERR High Ester Rum Réunion
HGML Hampden George MacFarquhar Lawson mark from Hampden Distillery (1000-1200) see Barrel Aged Thoughts: Hampden Estate - ein Überblick for details
HLCF Hampden Light Continental Flavoured mark from Hampden Distillery (500-600) see Barrel Aged Thoughts: Hampden Estate - ein Überblick for details
HTR Heavy Trinidad Rum
HV Habition Velier
H.S.E Habitation St. Etienne Rum brand of Martinique
IB Independent Bottler Independent bottler
ICBU Ignatius Charles Border and Ursillya Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
KFM Kenneth Francis McKenzie Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
LFCH Lawrence Francis Close Hussey mark from Hampden Distillery (90-120) see Barrel Aged Thoughts: Hampden Estate - ein Überblick for details
LMDW La Maison du Whisky Independent bottler
LROK Light Rum Owen Kelly mark from Hampden Distillery (300-400) see Barrel Aged Thoughts: Hampden Estate - ein Überblick for details
LTR Light Trinidad Rum
MDE Main Diamond EHP? Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
MDLB Main Diamond LBI Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
MDV Main Diamond VSG? Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
MEEA Main Enmore EHP Armagnac? Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
MEK Main Enmore KFM Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
MER Main Enmore REV Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
MEV Main Enmore Versailles ? Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
MLC Monymusk Light Continental mark from Monemusk Jamaica, ester Range 350-450 gr/hlAA Jamaican Rum Marques Roundup - Cocktail Wonk
MMW Monymusk Wedderburn mark from Moneymusk Jamaica, ester Range 290-300 gr/hlAA Jamaican Rum Marques Roundup - Cocktail Wonk
MPM Modified/Main Port Mourant Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
MPMC Main Port Mourant Cognac Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
MPMM Main Port Mourant Malt Whisky Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
NY New Yarmouth Jamaican rum distillery
OB official bottling i.e. from a specific distillery
O.F.T.D. Old Fashioned Traditional Dark
OWH Outram W Hussey Hampden Estate Mark (Ester 40-80) see Barrel Aged Thoughts: Hampden Estate - ein Überblick for details
PX Pedro Ximenez white spanish wine grape often used for sherry
RC Rum Club German independant bottler
RdL Rom de Luxe Danish independent bottler
REV Rum Enmore Versailles Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
S Diamond Still Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
S.B.S. Single Barrel Selection Single Cask series of indipendent botteler 1423
SS Silver Seal Independant Botteler
SV Diamond Still Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
SVL Savalle Still? Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
SWR (SMCG) Sir William Russell Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
SXG Schoon Ord & Goed Fortuin? Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
TCRL Transcontinental Rum Line Independant Bottler often with tropical + continental aging
TECA Tislton Estate Continental A mark, ester range 1200/1300 gr/hlpa see also Jamaican Rum Marques Roundup - Cocktail Wonk
TECB Tislton Estate Continental B mark, ester range 1300/1400 gr/hlpa see also Jamaican Rum Marques Roundup - Cocktail Wonk
TECC Tislton Estate Continental C mark, ester range 1500/1600 gr/hlpa see also Jamaican Rum Marques Roundup - Cocktail Wonk
TRC The rum cask Independant Bottler
ULR Uitvlugt Light Rum Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
UA unabhängiger Abfüller german abbreviation see IB
UPM Uitvlugt Port Mourant Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
VSG Versailles, Schoon Ord, Goed Fortuin Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
W Diamond Still Guyana Rum Mark also see Crowdsourcing Guyana Rum Marks
WIRD West Indies Rum Destillery
WP Worthy Park Jamaican Rum Destillery
XO Extra Old aged for at least 6 years in oak barrels
VO Very old aged for at least 3 years in oak barrels
VSOP Very superior/special old pale aged for at least 4 years in oak barrels
VSOR Very superior/special old reserve/rum
<>H Diamond H mark from Hampden Distillery (900-1000) see Barrel Aged Thoughts: Hampden Estate - ein Überblick for details

Ich nehme eure Postings in den ersten Beitrag alphabetisch auf, wenn nichts dagegen spricht.

English (short version)
Hi Folks,
i am discovering a growing number of abbrevations regarding rum, especially at the rare ones. To be honest i have often no clue about the meanings behind them. Maybe there is somewhere a good list / faq but i am not aware of it and happy if anyone will share it. Otherwise it would becool if we can collect the abbrevations here and I will summarize them in this first post.
If its bogus, feedback welcome.

Grüße / regards


Hey Matthias, es gibt in diesem Forum die Funktion des automatischen Übersetzens. Jeder Nutzer erhält also bereits die Beiträge angezeigt, in der Sprache die ausgewählt wurde. Du musst also nicht selbst übersetzen.

Zu den Abkürzungen: Die 3 die dir nicht geläufig sind, sind Marks aus verschiedenen Destillerien. Ich würde dir einfach empfehlen, dich näher mit den Destillerien auseinanderzusetzen und vermehrt Abfüllungen von dort zu trinken und dich etwas einzulesen. Dann werden dir die Marks “von ganz allein” geläufig und erscheinen dir gar nicht mehr wie sperrige Abkürzungen.

Am relevantesten halte Ich für den Beginn wohl erstmal die Hampden, Long Pond und Enmore Marks, wobei es natürlich unzählige mehr gibt.

Grüße Leo

Edit: Hampden Marks: Barrel Aged Thoughts: Hampden Estate - ein Überblick

  1. Edit: auch das XO kann je nach Herkunft unterschiedliche Bedeutungen haben. Die Franzosen definieren zb genau, was Extra Old bedeutet (und auch da machen manche Destillerien noch schärfere Eigenbestimmungen).

Cooler Thread! Danke für‘s Sammeln Matthias. :blush::raised_hands:t3:

Zu den Marks hat @lukasdrinkinghabits schon eine exzellente (und lebende) Übersicht zusammengetragen:


Soweit ich weiß …

DOK = Dermot Owen Kelly-Lawson
TECA = Tislton Estate Continental A
REV = Rum Enmore Versailles (glaube ich)


Hier ist noch ein Topic zur Frage: Jamaica rum marks


Maybe we can write a rum wiki, I read that discourse forum has such option. What do you think?


A Rum wiki would be great.
But I fear the best source for most of the information will be Modern Carribean Rum.
On the other hand a a wiki could deep dive where in even more detailed information

To emphasize this:. Modern Caribbean Rum has the answers to a lot of those short forms, marks etc.
Highly recommended book on topics like this. My Rum education would have been a lot quicker with this book.


Big kudos to @cocktailwonk :partying_face::tumbler_glass:


The current Jamaican marques I’m aware of are here: Jamaican Rum Marques Roundup - Cocktail Wonk

The DDL marques I know of are here: Demerara Distillers Ltd – Part Two - Cocktail Wonk

The DDL marques are also included in the Guyana chapter of Modern Caribbean Rum.

I’m conceptually in favor of some sort of Rum Wiki page for tidbits of information. The challenge is that (like Wikipedia itself), it needs a small, very expert set of editors. Others it will quickly descend into conflicting or incorrect information, despite the good intentions of everyone.


Mine too. :rofl:

Thanks for the kind words.


Let’s give Kudzey’s suggestion a try. I have enabled the “Wiki” function for the first post above. All community members with level 2 or higher can now customize and extend the post. So we can try to develop a first community-driven version of the glossary.

Later on, I can also imagine additional quality assurance by selected moderators, as @coktailwonk suggested. @lukasdrinkinghabits has already demonstrated the mechanism very well in the Guyana Mark article. :relaxed::tumbler_glass:


The wiki function is nice! and it would be great when someone will do some quality checks!

I added now a few new abbrevations i found and some of the Guyana Marks (with reference to the corresponding post in this forum). I will further update the list with marks from other countries as soon i have some free time.


For the reference I think GuySuCo is a good source of information, like Skeldon Estate - (Pseudonym: SWR - Former Owner - Sir William Russell) - Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc


Hi, nice function
Updated AOP/PDO and AOC


Some abrevations in regards to bottlings:
IB = Independent bottler
UA = unabhängiger Abfüller (IB in German, might not get translated by the built in function)
OB = official bottling (i.e. from the distillery)

Types of rum (similar to marques)
GA = Grand Arôme

HD = Hampden
NY = New Yarmouth

Bottlers are also very often abbreviated, probably deserve their own category:
SS = Silver Seal
RA = Rum Artesanal
CDI = Compagnie des Indes
TRC = TheRumCask
TCRL = Transcontinental Rum Line
RC = RumClub

These lists are far from complete!


DRE= Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva :slight_smile:


Is it Ross or Russel in the SWR?


Was du als Rum-Liebhaber über Guyana wissen solltest (

there its Sir William Ross


This is from a blog, do you know the source the author used? Guyanese sugar corporation says it’s Russell Skeldon Estate - (Pseudonym: SWR - Former Owner - Sir William Russell) - Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc


thank you for sharing, i changed it